18 March 2025

1956 - what a year!

 Budapest Oct-Nov 1956

BBC History Magazine asked historians to select history’s most dramatic year. I expected them to select 476 AD, 1215, 1492, 1914 and 1933, but in my opinion 1956 was by far the most dramatic. Historian George Goodwin also selected 1956 and specified the events that changed the world.

1956 marked  a watershed year, one when we began to see the post-war world that was under challenge. It was a time when austerity and cult­ural deference were being replaced by the triumph of American-style mass consumer culture. The 1956 Suez Crisis, when Britain along with France and Israel invaded Egypt to recover control of the Suez Canal, was arguably one of the most significant episodes in post-WW2 British history. It led to periodic changes of national direction! France, in contrast, was already beginning the process of European consolidation: the negotiations to create the European Community of 1957’s Treaty of Rome were effectively decided in 1956.

Further to the east, the Soviet grip on its European conquests seriously faltered for the first time, as it violently suppressed the Hungarian uprising. Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators swarmed through the streets, tearing down statues of Stalin, ripping the Communist emblem from Hungarian flags and dodging the gunfire of the secret police. This bloody revolt against the rulers of the Hungarian People's Republic and its imposed policies led to Soviet tanks entering Budapest. The crisis lasted for 12 days, after which the Soviet leadership agreed to a ceasefire and a reformist government under Imre Nagy took over in Budapest. 2,500 Hungarians had died and 250,000 fled as refugees, mainly through Austria (including my sister in law in Melbourne).

The USA's supreme court’s ruling against bus seg­reg­ation was Rev Martin Luther King’s first great civil rights victory. See a famous photo where Martin Luther King was welcomed by his wife Coretta after leaving court in Montgomery, Alabama in 1956. King was found guilty of conspiracy to boycott city buses in a drive to desegregate the bus system, but a judge suspended his fine (pending appeal).

Rev and Mrs Martin Luther King Jr
outside the courthouse in Montgomery, Alabama 1956

The Anglo-American focus on individual expression and liberation, which dominated the following decades, was highlighted by John Osborne’s Look Back in Anger and Allen Ginsberg’s Howl. And the re-election of the conservative US President Eisenhower could not mask the growth of the free spending, rebellious teenagers with a James Dean poster on the wall and rock and roll on the jukebox – a phenomenon echoed across the English speaking world.

Elvis Presley entered the US music charts for the first time, with Heartbreak Hotel. Rock Around the Clock was a 1956 mus­ical film featuring Bill Haley and His Comets in cinemas every­where. It was one of the major box office successes of that year. The Platters hits throughout 1956 included The Great Pretender, My Prayer, You've Got the Magic Touch, One In A Million and You'll Never Know, changing the life of every teenager in the world. 1956 was a good time to be a university student.

Elvis Presley was changing teenagers' lives
Love Me Tender 1956

But George Goodwin omitted one critical 1956 event. The Olympic Games moved to the Southern Hemisphere for the first time ever! Colonial Britain, France and Spain had long understood that the days of empire were over; the dead soldiers from WW2 had been buried and memorial­is­ed, rationing had ended, and economies could start to develop once again. The huge number of baby boomers, who had been born (1946-55) after their fathers were demobilised, filled the primary schools. Millions of migrants, largely from Europe, were shipped to the southern hemisphere where new suburbs were developed with detached houses on large blocks. The eternal cultural cringe was ending.

State budgets were not open ended of course, but neither were the 1956 Olympic Games in Melbourne full of community conflict, as they had been in other cities. Everyone in Australia wanted the most modern swimming pools, the best athletic tracks and the biggest Olympic Village for the athletes. To this day, people still say the 1956 Games were the crowning achievement of the Melbourne School of Architecture in the post-war period; they were an inspiration to Rome, Tokyo, Sydney, Rio de Janeiro and every other city competing for later Games.

The 1956 Summer Olympics Games, Melbourne
attendance of 1.153 million people over the 15 days.

Until 1956 British and Egyptian governments administered Nth and Sth Sudan as separate colonies. When both areas merged into a single administrative region after political pressure from the north, British colonial administration granted the North most political independence in 1956. In post colonial reconstruction, national political and economic issues ravaged Sudan internally. Northern violence against the southern minorities in the first Sudanese Civil War killed 400,000 civilians & 100,000 soldiers. 

Child soldiers, Sudanese Civil War

Polio was a highly infectious disease affecting young children that attacks the nervous system, leading to spinal and respiratory paralysis, and even death. In the 1950s Dr Jonas Salk invented the polio vaccine which showed the medical profession that tackling polio epidemics was feasible. In 1956 virologist Dr Albert Sabin developed oral polio medication using live, weakened poliovirus, a key step towards global polio eradication. Salk’s vaccine stimulated immunity without causing illness but only Sabin’s oral polio treatment accelerated global immunisation efforts, making polio eradication a medical revolution for millions of children.



Prodental Clinic said...
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Wilson Center said...

The 1956 Hungarian uprising and the subsequent installation of a pro-Soviet government in Budapest pushed hundreds of thousands of refugees into neighboring countries.

In early November 1956, over 200,000 refugees set out on foot in the harsh winter with few possessions and headed for the Austrian border. The Austrian government quickly found itself overwhelmed and reached out to the west for assistance. For humanitarian organizations like CARE, the crisis offered an opportunity to prove its organizational flexibility and its capacity to handle the needs of a large refugee population. It also presented new challenges brought on by the demands of refugees and the logistical difficulties of working in such a tumultuous and fast moving political landscape.

Hels said...

thank you for reading the post.... did you mention your Baulkham Hills clinic because you opened up in 1956?

Hels said...

24/7 Mobile
thank you for reading the post. Did you open your business in 1956?

Hels said...

Wilson Centre
What an extraordinarily large number of refugees having to flee Hungary within a month of the uprising. I'll update my post, thank you.

I didn't meet any Hungarian school students in Melbourne until 1960, when I started high school in a school that seemed to welcome a lot refugee children.

roentare said...

The personal connection you mention with your sister-in-law fleeing Hungary further underscores how deeply these global events affected individual lives.

My name is Erika. said...

I would never have guessed 1956 was such a life changing year. I did once meet someone (he was an in-law of a relative of mine) who escaped from Hungary then, and I see it touched you also. Have you ever read the older book by David Halberstam called the The 1950's. It might be a lot about American society, since I can't remember all the details as I read the book 20 or so years ago. But it was quite the decade. Thanks for sharing this interesting post Hels.

jabblog said...

I seem to remember some fundraising when I was at school. It's so easy to forget the trials and tribulations of earlier generations.

Luiz Gomes said...

Um excelente dia. Infelizmente no Brasil, nem sempre temos a oportunidade de aprender, sobre outras matérias. Muito obrigado pela aula de história e oportunidade de aprender sempre, com seu maravilhoso trabalho e pesquisa.

Hels said...

a personal connection to any world event certainly makes us more aware of past events, and more invested in the outcome. My family was very involved in the 1956 Arab-Israeli War as a result of the Suez Crisis. It was terrible.

But I don't even remember the First Sudanese Civil War which was going on at the same time.

Ирина Полещенко said...

Hungarian Uprising? NO!!! It was an attempt at a coup d'etat in Hungary. Hungary, like the rest of Europe, fought on Hitler's side. Not all the Nazis were destroyed during World War II. They dreamed of organizing a coup and overthrowing the people's government.

The Hungarian government asked the Soviet Union for help, and we came to the rescue. Hungary NEVER reproached my country for the events of 1956. After all, the Hungarian government itself asked for help.

Hels said...

Great book, many thanks.
Amazon wrote: The Fifties is a sweeping social, political, economic, and cultural history of the ten years that Halberstam regards as seminal in determining what our nation is today. Halberstam offers portraits of the titans of the age - Eisenhower Dulles, Oppenheimer, MacArthur, Hoover and Nixon. But also fins on cars; Mac McDonalds; Holiday Inns along the nation's roadsides; the Pill etc etc

Hels said...

nod, I think it is evitable that we don't take as much notice of previous generations as we do about our own. And it was true for our parents and grandparents - my grandfather's memories of the Russian Revolution were dominant for the rest of his life.

Hels said...

did you do general history in high school or university? I wonder if I had not done history if I would have been so interested?
I would have definitely known about the Olympic Games in detail, however, because my father was the water engineer in swimming, diving and water polo. He was interviewed on radio and in newspapers for months before the Games started, even before there was tv in this country.

Hels said...

thank you for the other side of the The Hungarian Revolution of 1956. Remember I only learned the pro-Hungarian view, put out by the Australian newspapers when our Government offered settlement to tens of thousands of Hungarian refugees.

Andrew said...

It was an interesting year but a surprising choice. I really would have thought another year, not that I could choose one.

Margaret D said...

So many things happened that year, some good and some bad. I recall most of it being 11 years old in 1956.

Hels said...

It was a great question by the BBC History Magazine, wasn't it? But the answer depends largely on which historians are interviewed, their nationality, gender, eras of historical passion, language skills etc.

Hels said...

I am just a couple of years younger, so I remember best the events that my parents and grandparents discussed with me from newspapers and radio in pre-tv times.
In primary school I learned _only_ about British Commonwealth and European events, and remember it well.
Later in high school I learned about Israel and the Middle East, China and Japan, and North America.

Margaret D said...

We were taught well back in the day, Hels.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I did not know so much happened in 1956, I did know about the Melbourne Olympics but nothing else, that

Ирина Полещенко said...

Dear Helen, the exact same thing happened in Czechoslovakia in 1968. But neither Hungary nor Czechoslovakia ever blamed Russia (or the Soviet Union). Nowadays, when the Czech Republic calls Russia an enemy, no one ever remembers 1968.

Hels said...

The Olympic Games were critically important to Melbourne and Australia as a sports centre of world standard, but there were other really important events (good and terrible) that happened that year. We should have been exposed to far more history classes in high school, even if we have to refresh our old brains today.
By the way, my grandchildren didn't do formal history classes in high school, unless they wanted to do an optional class.

Hels said...

Everything I know about Czechoslovakia came from my husband, his two siblings and his two parents. However I didn't speak a word of Czech and his parents didn't speak a word of English.
Do you have a book written _since_ 1968, in English, that you could recommend to me.

Hels said...

my grandchildren ARE totally smarter than I am regarding maths, physics and computer skills, but their grammar, spelling, hand writing, history, geography and foreign languages are dismal :(

Ingrid said...

I don't remember anything, as I lived in Germany during occupation, I prefer to keep in mind only the cheerful things. I have enough of these wars, all of them, men haven't learned nothing from the past !

Hels said...

there were indeed appalling wars, but there were also amazing modern successes in the arts, sciences etc. I will go back into the blog and add one of those wonderful medical stories.