1868, a Design Competition was held for the design of the Royal Arcade. The
winning entry was by Charles
Webb, a C19th architect from Suffolk. His successful
design was in the Italianate style, drawing somewhat on influential French and
English models. Construction of the Royal Arcade began in June 1869
and finished in May 1870, officially opened by the Lord Mayor. The Royal
Arcade was proudly the first arcade in Melbourne and is the
longest-standing arcade in Australia. Melbourne also has other
special Charles Webb’s buildings including Melbourne Grammar School, South
Melbourne Town Hall, Banks & Co. Warehouse, Windsor Hotel and Tasma
Gog & Magog
Several myths surround Gog and Magog, including one where they were guards of the underworld and gods of dark spirits. Many visitors come to the Royal arcade to see the big statues of Gog and Magog, which have graced the southern end of the arcade since 1892. Gog and Magog are 7’ tall statues which were installed by clock and instrument maker Thomas Gaunt (1829–90) around an enormous clock.
Gog and Magog briefly featured in the Hebrew Bible and the Christian New Testament, as invaders. And later references assumed an important place in apocalyptic literature and medieval legend. In London The Guildhall statues of Gog and Magog probably represented two giants who were taken to London to serve as porters at the gate of the royal palace after their race was destroyed by Brutus the Trojan, the “founder” of London/New Troy. The Guildhall had been built in Saxon times, the place to pay taxes.
The two 9’ wooden Gog and Magog figures existed in London from Henry V’s rule (early C15th). The first figures were destroyed in Great Fire (1666) and were replaced in 1708. That second pair was destroyed in a German air raid in 1940 and not replaced until 1953. The current Guildhall, completed 1440, is still used for officials now.In Melbourne, Thomas Gaunt had the two statues in the Royal Arcade carved in pine by Mortimer Godfrey, modelled on London’s Guildhall figures. Gaunt may have done this because he had his work-shop at the south end of the Arcade; the large clock had T. Gaunt & Co written across its face. Clearly it was very good advertising for his business and a good demonstration of his instrument-making!
Scientific instruments produced by the Gaunt Co. included instruments to both measure and record temperature and humidity, mercury-in-glass barometers and thermometers, ten of the Caulfield race Cups, and gold/silver religious jewellery and ornaments, notably for St Patrick's Cathedral in Melbourne.
Gaunt had many clockmakers working for him, some for decades. It was German-born Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Ziegeler who made the clock in the Royal Arcade for Thomas Gaunt. His meticulous clock making skills ensured that Gog and Magog still perform their ritual every hour, just as they have since 1892. Every hour Gog and Magog strike the bells with their arms and people gather in the Royal Arcade to see this spectacle.
I am pretty sure I have seen this amazing arcade while in Melbourne as I have been to Melbourne and it looks familiar, it is beautiful
Thank you for such a wonderful post of Royal Arcade. I do street candid there a lot. I never made the attempt to read about the history lol. If I come across my new candid photos in the area, I will link this post for information.
Boa noite de quinta-feira. Obrigado pela visita e comentário. Que vontade de conhecer, obrigado por dividir a matéria conosco.
Thanks for the detail about one of our very special Melbourne buildings. In the distant past I did film Gog and Magog striking the hour. I should return and take better footage.
you must come again. Helen says the arcade is open from 7 AM - 7 PM each weekday, plenty of time for you to tour, shop and drink tea. You will have a fun time.
the links will be very welcome.
if you are keen to read more, start with Sightseeing Tours Australia:
and Culture Trip:
You will also enjoy the photos.
I couldn't find any quality Utube footage of Gog and Magog striking on the hour. But Helen would be very pleased to add a reference acknowledging your work in this blog post. Very pleased :)
Important 19th century buildings such as the Royal Arcade and the GPO are now intermingled with the commercial gothic and art-deco characteristics of the 20th century shops and emporia to create a precinct characterised by glamour and variety. The precinct also contains sub-areas of great cultural value.
Within this precinct may be found the heart of Victorian Melbourne’s most fashionable retail area. ‘Doing the Block’, a term coined to describe the popular pastime amongst Melbourne’s middle classes of promenading outside the plush retail and accessory stores, reached its height in the boom years of the 1880s. The tradition of arcaded shopping was borrowed from nearby Royal Arcade and became a marked feature of this precinct. Block Arcade (1891-93), Centreway Arcade (1913), Block Court (1930), Manchester Unity Arcade (1932) and the Century Arcade (1938-40) testify to the continued popularity of this form.
Heritage Precincts Statements
thank you for this reference. It suggests Helen should not focus her thinking entirely to Royal Arcade. I personally am not as familiar with the history of Block, Centreway, Manchester Unity and Century Arcades as I should be, but Helen probably is.
That is a beautiful arcade, a lovely place to browse and enjoy.
Most cities are so rushed and crowded, to be able to stroll leisurely in an arcade is a unexpected pleasure. Then sit inside one of the tearooms to eat a luscious afternoon tea in comfort.
In a way it is one of the first malls. But much prettier than any I have ever visited. I do remember as a child having to dress up to go into our local downtown to go shopping. Times have really changed, haven't they? Happy rest of your weekend.
Because there were no take-away food places until relatively recently, families really only had two choices. People could eat at home or in their family's homes, or they could eat in nice restaurants and tea rooms. The idea of teenagers turning up to attractive tea rooms, with holes in their jeans, would have spoiled the atmosphere for everyone.
I remember seeing the arcade when I visited Melbourne in 2012. I was surprised to see Gog and Magog there knowing of their existence and prominence in the Guildhall. The post has brought back lovely memories of my time in Melbourne. Thank you.
Its single most interesting feature is above the south entrance: a clock, made by the well known Melbourne clockmaker Thomas Gaunt, with two figures at both sides, which strike bells always at the top of the hour. The 7' wooden figures represent the giants Gog and Magog, and two information boards tell their meaning in British mythology. They had been modelled after the Gog and Magog sculptures from the early 18th century at London's Guildhall, where they were looked upon as the guardians of London.
High 5! Spouse and I lived in Europe for 5 years (3 in Israel and 2 years in Britain), but I don't remember every single place we explored. However some places stood out as beautiful or architecturally significant, and I only have to re-examine the old photos for the memories to come flooding back.
When guests come to visit us in Melbourne, I take them to very special places like Royal Arcade, National Gallery of Victoria, The Great Ocean Road and 12 Apostles, Melbourne Cricket Ground or Shrine of Remembrance - for the very same reason :)
I read your comments about Gog and Magog, and was very pleased to see that there are information boards that tell the meaning of the two mythological creatures in British mythology.
Despite having visited the arcade many times, I have never seen those two information boards! Examining your two photos of the boards was as easy as anything, even though I have old age vision. So we should bring the two boards down a bit, and make them bigger.
Hello Hels, Happy New Year! May it be a sweet and healthy one for you and your family. I too love old arcades, and the Royal Arcade sounds like a prize winner. I do admire modern architecture, but sometimes human qualities such as color, warmth and detail have been bled out of the designs, making older buildings that much more precious. W.C. Fields, the comedian, used to use "Gog and Magog!" as an oath or exclamation. I don't know if his movies penetrated to Australia, but they are among my favorites.
I also hope the New Year is a happy, healthy one, and that no one has to suffer from wars or earthquakes ever again.
Having a colourful, warm and welcoming site was always important, agreed. So I would love to know why Gog and Magog were placed in the centre of families' vision. The two giants looked rather thuggish to me, not warm and welcoming.
Very interesting to read about the Royal Arcade in Melbourne and it's history. It's pleasing to read that's been put back to it's former glory and it certainly is a beautiful building and one I've never seen on visits to Melbourne, if I did I didn't take any notice of it back then but certainly would now.
The clock and it's history is intersting also.
drop me a note before you visit Melbourne next time :) In the meantime, I am going to write another post on a famous Melbourne arcade and its stunning restaurant, Hopetoun Tea Rooms, which first opened in 1892. It is due to reopen in December 2023.
Recently I've visited Melbourne and have seen Gog and Magog striking 1 PM. The left one first hit it 3 or 4x, followed with right hitting 1x.
Now I'm curious how do they operate? Does left one has 1 hit= 3 or 4 hours, while right gives +1 hour for every hit?
Gog and Magog are 7' giant statues which were installed by clock and instrument maker Thomas Ambrose Gaunt (d1890) on either side of an enormous clock. Every hour on the hour Gog and Magog strike the chimes with their mechanical arms.
That doesn't seem to fit what you saw/heard.
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