28 December 2021

Bram Stoker's Dracula (1897) Vs Vlad the Impaler (15th century).

Vlad III dines amid impaled vic­tims following his assault Kronstadt/now Brasov.
Printed in Nuremb­erg in 1499. Bibliophilia

See an earlier post where Vlad III was freed after his family’s death, and began to use the name Vlad Dracula i.e the drag­on’s son. Back in Wallach­ia (now Romania), he became a violent ruler, earning his name Vlad the Impaler: as ruler of C15th Wallachia, he committed very grisly acts.

Vlad III’s cruelty was real, but his reputation as a villain spread over ALL of C15th Europe thanks to the timely arrival of the printing press. Attack­ing pamphlets written by his enemies became best sellers. And  Vlad’s brutality spread far and wide, as depicted in contemporary engravings.

So why did much of Christian Europe support his strong, if brutal, def­ence of Wallachia from various Muslim Ottoman incursions? And how is Vlad III still Romania’s national hero, for defend­ing his peo­ple from foreign invasion in the mid-1400s? Clearly the atrocities committed by Vlad the Impaler remain as terrifying today as they were 550 years ago.

Despite all that, Vlad III might have remained just a brief bit of history from the Mid­dle Ages, except for an important C19th book. A book by William Wilkinson the British con­sul to Wall­achia, An Account Of The Princ­ip­al­it­ies Of Wal­l­achia And Moldavia 1820, dug into the region’s history and noted the infamous warlord Vlad the Impaler. It helped to popul­arise the real Dracula story across Europe.

From Dacre Stoker we know that 45-year-old Irishman Bram Stoker (1847–1912) had never visited Vlad III's home­land. At the Lyceum Theatre London in 1890, Bram Stoker’s friend told him of the Wilkinson book. And told him to vis­it the Whitby Library.  Soon Stoker ent­ered Whitby’s Subscription Library and requested Wil­l­iam Wilkin­s­on’s book. The library hadn’t even made it known they pos­­sessed this rare book and access was only granted reluctantly. So Stoker quickly opened the pages to a specific section, made many notes in his journal, and returned the tome to the librarian. 

Next he stopped at the Whitby Museum, where he mapped a route from London to the wilds of Roman­ia, with specific latitudes and longitudes. From the Museum, Bram travelled to Whit­­by Harbour where he spoke to the Royal Coast Guard. They informed him of the Dmitri sailing vessel that ran aground a few years earlier in­side the prot­ect­ive harbour, with only a handful of crew alive. The ship, which originated in Varna port in Eastern Europe, was car­rying a my­s­terious cargo. [Stoker’s book ev­entually told the story of a vamp­ire who moved from his native Tran­syl­vania to UK in the search for victims of his undead curse].

The final piece of an old puzzle was slowly emerging. On 1 page of his notes Count Wampyr, the name he’d orig­inally inten­d­ed to use for his vill­ain, had been cross­ed out. It was replaced with Count Dracula, and to Bram it finally made  sense. He’d found a blurry place between fact and fiction. 

Stoker's novel, Dracula,
published in UK with this book cover in 1916. Wiki

When Stoker wrote his iconic novel, Dracula (1897) the original pref­ace incl­uded this passage: I am quite convinced that there is no doubt what­soever that the events here described really took place, however unbe­l­iev­able and incomprehensible they might appear at first sight. He went on to claim that the characters in his novel were real people. Clearly Stoker had NOT intended for Dracula to be fict­ion, rather as a warn­ing of a very real evil. Worried of the impact of presenting such a story as true, Archibald Constable editors returned the manus­cript saying: No!

London was still recovering from the horrible Whitechap­el Murders (1888-91), and with the killer still unknown, they couldn’t pub­lish Stoker’s story without creating mass panic. Chang­es would be needed, and it would ONLY be published as fiction. When the novel was final­ly released in May 1897, the first 100 pages had been cut, alterat­ions had been made to the text, the epilogue had been shortened and Dracula’s ultimate fate was changed. Stoker’s message, once concise and clear, was now blurred.

The mythical ch­aracter Drac­ula Prince of Darkness emerged from Stoker’s imaginat­ion in 1897. His novel was the classic story of a vampire named Count Dracula who feeds on hum­an blood, hunting his vict­ims and burying them whilst still alive. The most blood-curdling novel of the century was said to be St­oker’s own creat­ion. But many be­l­ieve the blood­th­irsty villain was based on Vlad the Imp­al­er, hid­eous ruler of mid-1400s Wallachia-Romania. In fact the true history of Vlad the Impaler was far scarier than Stoker could guess.

The link between history and fiction lay with the gory tales of the blood-thirsty man’s exploits. Reg­­ardless of how much he was inspired by Wilkinson, Stoker’s Dracula became one of the most adapted horror stor­ies ever. Perhaps the author also drew on elements of the monstrous cholera epidemic of Sligo Ireland or other catastrophes.

 actor Bela Lugosi as Count Dracula
1931 Universal Pictures

What was too real or too frightening for publication? NB the first Icelandic publication of Dra­c­ula titled Power of Dark­ness (1900). In that first edition, Bram left not only his original Preface int­act, but parts of his original story remained. Then there were Stoker’s notes.

The first silent picture to film the vampire was the 1921 Dracula’s Death. 10 years later, the American prod­uction starring the hypnotising Hungarian actor Bela Lugosi became a very pop­ular adaptation in 1931. Films, tv shows and books have follow­ed since, including Netflix’s 2020 series Dracula. Sites linked to the legend are popular tourist des­tin­ations eg Vlad III’s Romanian Poenari Castle was an imp­ort­ant fort­ress for the governor. Roman­ia’s Bran Castle is widely assoc­iated in tourists’ minds with Stoker’s book and Vlad III, but the connection is less clear.

So-called Dracula's Bran Castle, near ‎Brașov, Romania

Dacre Stoker (b1958) is Bram Stoker’s descendant and co-author of Dracula: The Undead. 


Parnassus said...

Hello Hels, Now you have me wondering--have Stoker's original version and notes survived, and have they been published (in English)? When I read the book, I felt that many situations and descriptions seemed toned down from what they should have been; perhaps this was part of that massive editing.

Joseph said...

The imaginary Dracula’s castle was based on a description of Bran Castle that was actually available to Stoker in the late 1890s Britain. Even if Bran Castle had nothing to do with Vlad the Impaler, the depiction of Dracula’s Castle in the early etchings is more like Bran Castle and than the others in Romania. See http://www.bran-castle.com/dracula.html

Hels said...


I haven't done this type of research before. In my limited experience, fictional works based loosely on historical figures were not real biographies. However the authors of the later novels made it clear how much they were impressed by the earlier historical characters.

Apart from the name Dracula, can we tell if Stoker's original writing was based on Vlad the Impaler's documented history? I now assume that the massive editing done by the Archibald Constable editors was carried out, not to improve the quality of the writing, but out of political sensibility BEFORE the book was published. In other words, self-censorship!

Hels said...


Calling Bran Castle as Dracula's Castle would have struck me as knowingly faking the building, to draw in tourists and to make huge profits. But Stoker took inspiration from all over the place! It is true that Stoker never travelled in Vlad-the-Impaler-territory himself, but he read books, saw etchings and heard stories that appealed to him as a novelist.

DUTA said...

I've been there, at Bran Castle, Dracula's headquarters, in summer 2009 and I wrote a detailed post about Dracula on 7 july 2009. At the bottom of the castle there's a souvenir market, so I bought a few mementos, one of them is a postcard with Dracula as an... erotic figure; interesting card!
A blog follower wrote in his comment to the post, that in the british town of Whitby they have a society dedicated to Dracula.

Luiz Gomes said...

Boa tarde. Obrigado pela visita e carinho. Desejo um ano de 2022 com muita paz e saúde.

DUTA said...

I've been there at Bran Castle, the Headquarters of Dracula.,in summer 2009. I wrote a detailed post about Dracula on 7 of july 2009.
At the bottom of the castle there was a small souvenir market. I bought a few mementos, one of them a postcard with Dracula on it as an ..erotic figure. Interesting card!
A blog follower wrote in his comment that in the british town of Whitby they have a society dedicated to Dracula.

Hels said...


same to you :) Are you familiar with Dracula, either from books or films?

Hels said...


Apologies...I have no idea why my blog didn't publish your comment straight away. That hasn't happened before.

Thanks for your 2009 reference to Vlad Dracula; I will have pleasure reading both your post and all the comments. My in laws' languages were Hungarian and Czech (although not Romanian) but I don't remember them ever talking about Vlad III, castles or Wallach­ia.

Rolandia said...

Discover the history of Dracula, and of his connections to the land of Transylvania. Bram Stoker never visited this historical region, but many say that he got inspired by the infamous Vlad the Impaler. Find out the true story of the vampire lord, and see how he became Romania's most famous brand ambassador.

Your local expert for Romania

Hels said...


many thanks for the reference which I was very happy to read.

But now for the second time I need to ask how a brutal man like Vlad the Impaler became Romania's most famous brand ambassador? The New World Encyclopaedia said something similar: In many stories of Slavic origin and in his native Romania he is a national and Christian hero, helping to save Europe from the Turks.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure I am going to sleep well tonight, but a good read nevertheless.

Hels said...


I also had trouble sleeping when I was reading all the source documentation :(

There were a lot of brutal, despotic and probably psychotic men who led countries or wanted to lead their countries. So I can almost understand why Vlad III's followers admired his passion for defeating the Ottoman Turkish enemy, at almost any cost. But he was just as vicious slaughtering monks, sultan's ambassadors, his own boyars who he saw as disloyal, Saxon merchants, peasants etc.

But Stoker’s Dracula-crimes were just a reflection of his own society - murder, kidnapping, rape, poisoning etc.

Luiz Gomes said...

Bom dia. Espero que em 2022 você realize novos sonhos e projetos. São os votos sinceros do seu amigo brasileiro e carioca Luiz Gomes. Feliz ano novo, um ano de 2022 com muita saúde.

Hels said...


ditto to you. And may all the blogs continue to be full of learning and fun.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Hels - such an interesting post ... so much is made up - yet so much true ...

Bram's brother is buried on Vancouver Island: "But this night of 1851 was born a novelist's younger brother:

… the moon will not be peering through the mists for Bram Stoker’s brother – Surgeon Lieutenant Colonel Richard Nugent Stoker (1851 – 1931) - he will rest surrounded by the rising moistness of the mellow gloomy night in St Peter’s on Vancouver Island …"

I found his grave when I was out there ... however I have lots to learn about the history of Vlad's era - so much went on from both east and west ... cheers Hilary

Hels said...


Thank you! What a very talented family! Not only did brother Richard become a very important doctor in the Indian Medical Service but he collected specimens from nature for scientific documentation and rose to Lieutenant Colonel in the armed forces.

I had no idea why he ended up in Vancouver Island, but the Bram Stoker Estate homepage said that Richard and his wife bought acreage there post-retirement because the area had become popular with the Anglo-Indian military officers and civil servants.

Hels said...


I wondered why the British town of Whitby had a society dedicated to Dracula.
English Heritage suggests a number of fascinating connections between the town, the author Stoker and Dracula.