16 December 2023

J Edgar Hoover's Gospel: illegal, oppressive

J Edgar Hoover (1895-1972) was born in Washington DC in a religious family. Devout since boyhood, he loved being a Sunday School teacher and prided himself on his Scriptural knowledge. Before his father was ill, and it became necessary for him to choose higher-paying em­pl­oy­ment, young Hoov­er had intended on becoming a Christian min­is­t­er. Instead he studied law and worked in the Dept of Justice.

J Edgar Hoover, 1932
History Today
In 1919 young Hoover worked in the Justice Dept's Rad­ical Division, gathering data on radical political organisations. His sur­veil­lance system came by creating a data­base of all American rad­icals. After the 1920 Wall St bomb, anarch­ists and comm­un­ists were located via Hoov­er’s system and questioned, since Hoover believed that the bombing was directed by Russian forces.

The Washington Post (Sept 1920) desc­ribed the Wall St bombing as ex­emplifying the extent to which the alien scum from the sew­ers of the Old World had polluted the clear spring of American demo­c­­racy. The Dept of Justice launched raids, round­ing up thousands of lef­t­ists and deporting many out of the US. The D.O.J charged young Hoo­v­er with investigating the attack, along with the N.Y Police Dep­art­ment. The nasty repress­ion of imm­ig­rants led to the civil libert­ies movement; American Civil Liberties Union was formed in 1920 to add­ress this government crackdown on free speech & political act­ivism

In 1924 at 29, Hoover was appointed as FBI Director. As America’s top cop, he turned the FBI into a blend of a Sunday School, private-members club and white supr­em­acist clique. He demoted all non-white special ag­en­ts, as well as most Jews, and made Christ­ianity part of FBI train­ing and social events. In contrast to the anti-Cath­olic sentim­ent in US society, Hoover resp­ected Cat­hol­icism for its theological rig­our. He welcomed Cathol­ic­ism to the FBI, instig­ating an annual FBI mass.

Hoover believed the U.S was God’s chosen nation. Director from 1924-72, Hoover thought the Bureau’s miss­ion was to defeat the godless forces of liberalism, women’s rights, civil rights, radical cl­ergy, students, anti-war prot­es­tors and particularly gay men. To ov­er­come these foes, America had to yield to his pref­erred Christ­ianity i.e unerr­ingly conservative, patriotic and white.

Dr Lerone Martin is Director of the Martin Luther King Jr Res­earch and Education Institute and Prof of Religious Studies at Stan­ford Uni­versity. Martin’s book Gospel of J Edgar Hoover (2023) sh­owed how the FBI director, infamous for persecuting Martin Luther King, worked system­atically to champion his own religion. Using newly decl­as­s­­ified FBI documents, Martin desc­rib­ed how Hoover bent the cul­t­ure of the FBI, and collaborated with fam­ous evangelicals and Catholics to try to es­tab­lish his Christian Amer­ica. Together they fuelled the polit­ical rise of white Christian nat­ion­alism, with vast consequences for electoral pol­it­ics, views of nat­ional security and role of race and religion in US ident­ity.

Hoover had an fanatic hatred of Albert Einstein because he was Je­w­ish, foreign and left wing. Einstein got to the USA in 1933 and in­volved himself with racial justice, was against lyn­ching and for qu­al­ity black educ­at­ional institutions. Einstein befriended Paul Rob­eson, Hoov­er’s MOST despised human being. Hoover wanted to have Einstein deported!

Einstein and actor Paul Robeson (right) 
Washington Post

After WW2, Hoover launched a public relations campaign outside the Bureau eg his popular essays in the conservative magazine Christian­ity Today dealt with theological and patriotic concerns. Pre-em­inent  Cath­olic ­evang­elists Fulton Sheen and Billy Graham prais­ed FBI!

Martin reported that during 1956-71 Hoover sanctioned 2,000+ ill­eg­al dir­ect actions targ­eting domestic civ­ic organisations he'd hated. Some of his religious operations were both unconst­itutional and biz­arre eg when he investigated one word in a new Bible trans­la­t­ion. This commun­ist plot und­ermined U.S Christ­ianity, Hoover said!

Regarding Hoover’s flagrant ab­use of the Separation of Church and St­ate, the details Martin published were based on the ex­haus­tive use of arch­ives. But the FBI were still unsym­p­athetic to Mart­in’s project in 2020, so he had to sue the Bureau for not resp­ond­ing to a Free­dom of Information request. Even then, Martin wrote, the Bur­eau did not admit to break­ing any law.

Some of Hoover’s later issues
The Nobel Prize Committee cited philosopher Albert Cam­us’ pers­is­tent efforts to illuminate the problem of human consc­ience! It was largely as a champion of philosophical moral truth that Camus was hon­oured in 1957 and is still admired today. Hoov­er was furious that he couldn’t stop Camus receiving the Nobel Prize for Literature.

Re John Lennon, Hoover wrote to HR Halde­mann, Pres Nixon’s White House Chief of Staff indicating the high pr­iority the Lennon case had for Nixon; Lennon had been inter­est­ed in extreme British left-wing act­iv­ities and was a sym­p­ath­is­er of communists there. It’s telling that Hoover died in May 1972 and a memo was sent from the FBI’s Acting Director Patrick Gray say­ing the FBI was ending its surveill­an­ce of Lennon. In any case Nixon was easily re-elected in Nov, and the Imm­ig­­rat­ion Service and FBI succeeded in pressuring Lennon to withdraw from anti-war activ­ity. How strange then that Lennon still received Immigration and Naturalisation Service dep­ort­­ation not­ic­es. So imm­ig­r­at­ion lawyer Leon Wild­es sued Att Gen John Mitchell and ot­h­ers for their cons­piratorial attempts to throw Lenn­on out of the country. Their investigation turned up documents from Hoover to HR Hald­e­man, inform­ing him of the FBI’s progress.

When politicians advocated for stricter gun laws
J Edgar Hoover tests a gun, opposing gun controls
The Nation

In May 1970 chaos at Kent State Ohio shocked Uni off­icials who bel­ieved outside agit­at­ors were responsible. Kent's mayor de­­c­lared a state of emergency, appealing to Ohio Governor James Rhod­es to send in the Ohio National Guard. How was Edgar Hoover involved?

Hoover’s influence on the FBI remained. The Bur­eau had been too slow to combat the security threat posed by white Chr­ist­ian nationalists, a group concerned with violent, terrorist att­acks, incl­uding the 6th Jan 2021 killings. White Christian nat­ion­al­ism and the FBI’s inertia were part of Hoover’s legacy, from a man who bel­ieved he and his religion were above the law. Hoover was work­ing for God, not for the Constitution or Americans.

"Top Cop, Bad Cop" by Daniel Rey, History Today July 2023; "Ringleader" by Adam Hochschild The Nation , March 2023; and "Hoover's War on Gays" by Douglas M. Charles, UP Kansas 2015 are well worth reading.









roentare said...

This is such a frightening bit of history to read. Yet, this Christianity obsession resembles a lot of coworkers I have met in the past.

jabblog said...

What an extraordinarily bigoted and misguided man. His behaviour ran contrary to his Quaker upbringing, which he did not in any case follow in adulthood. Fanaticism does not make for balanced leadership. It is frightening to consider how such people rise to positions of considerable influence and it is apparent in society today.

Deb said...

The largest file in Hoover's collection was about Eleanor Roosevelt, filled with hatred and accusations of her communism, treason and criminality. What a dangerous man he was.

Margaret D said...

Interesting read Hels. No one is above the law, well that's how it is supposed to be.

Andrew said...

Ever so interesting. Those pesky lefties aren't the real problem in the US. It's the right wing religious nutters like Hoover.

Hels said...


Yes! I have never heard anyone express these dangerous views in a democracy, not even from ordinary citizens, let alone from people with real power eg the FBI Director. But in a nation that had a separation of Church and State, his decisions were even more offensive than people realised.

Hels said...


Thanks for commenting. I don't know about a Quaker background, but I do know his Christian background was deep and sincere. My issues are twofold:
1. Hoover was work­ing for God, presumably receiving personal instructions from above. But I cannot imagine a Christian God ordering Hoover to oppress, gaol or exile blacks, socialists, women, Jews, gays and anti-gun activists.
2. Protecting the White Chr­ist­ian Nationalists was an evil political choice, not a religious choice.

Hels said...


I knew nothing about Eleanor Roosevelt, but Gale said the following: As an outspoken woman and humanitarian, Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962) was a prime target for an investigation by J. Edgar Hoover. Her work with youth movements and the civil rights of minorities made many Americans of the time uneasy, and Hoover, of course, felt obligated to investigate her alleged radical, subversive, and un-American activities.

Of all people for Hoover to attack :( She was the U.S First Lady from 1933-45, during her husband Pres Franklin D Roosevelt's four terms in office. Then she was the U.S's top diplomat, human rights worker and political activist.

Hels said...


Nutters from both ends of the political continuum are a bit insane, but when the decisions are truly dangerous, the outcomes can be tragic. His pref­erred Christ­ianity might well have been "unerr­ingly conservative, patriotic and white", which is ok inside his house, church and school, but not for the nation. To ov­er­come Hoover's foes, America had to tolerate the FBI permanently defeating the godless forces of liberalism, women’s rights, civil rights, radical cl­ergy, students, anti-war prot­es­tors and gay men.

The New York Times showed that Hoover, the longtime director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, had a plan to suspend habeas corpus and imprison c12,000 Americans he suspected of disloyalty. Hoover sent his plan to the White House in July 1950, 12 days after the Korean War began. He was going to put suspect Americans in military prisons.

Hels said...


Noone is above the law? You wish! Just take one Hoover example. If the writ of habeas corpus demanded that a person incarcerated be brought before the court to determine whether there was lawful authority to detain the person, it got in his way. So he planned to scrap it!

Other important people in positions of power (kings, government ministers, archbishops, head of police etc) have often been able to do what they wanted, even when their behaviour was illegal, immoral or disgusting. Often without consequences.

Parnassus said...

Hello Hels, Thank you for this summary of Hoover's vile career. Since it's hard for me to focus my mind on him without getting too upset (and thinking about similar hatred-based politics that will arise in 2024), let me just hope that, since he was so "religious" he is getting his due reward and will be roasting in hell for a long time.

Hank Phillips said...

Fulton Sheen autographed my football when I was six, before discovering reason. Hardly anyone mentions Herbert Hoover drug czar Harry Anslinger. Thanks to him the government learned to refer to everything except cigarettes and gin as "narcotics," and press the narcotic limitation convention on Germany in summer 1931. Eighteen months later Big Pharma installed Hitler in the Chancellery.

hels said...

I wondered if there was any chance that the journal articles and newspapers had overstated Hoover's malevolence. But the more information that comes out about his secret files and official decisions, the more I think the story has been underestimated.
Ditto in the 2020s, yes :(

hels said...

I hope you didn't mix up President Herbert Hoover (1929-33) with FBI Director J Edgar Hoover (1924-72). They had the same surname, similar dates in power and met often enough, but they were not related at all.

DUTA said...

Religious Hoover believed "the U.S is God's chosen nation". Orthodox Jews claim the Jews are God's chosen nation. That belief about a chosen nation is a dangerous one, leading to dangerous situations.
Law and religion don't always go well together. We see that in Hoover's case, and we have examples of that also in jewish reality.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Hels - I was put off him ... when I read David Gann's 2018 book 'Killers of the Flower Moon' - which made a huge impression on me ... I don't want to see the film, but I have the book here, which I bought on my return to the UK, to read again - very eye opening. Interesting details - thank you - Hilary

hels said...


The sub title of the book is Oil, Murder, Money and the Birth of the FBI. No Wonder it made a great impression on you.

hels said...


Yes! There must be a separation of church and state in a democracy, otherwise it will lead to very dangerous situations. God told Afghans to execute women who didn't wear the hijab properly whereas God instructed Protestant Kings to burn witches in bonfires.
Every nation believes it is the Chosen Nation.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Hoover a name every man and his dog has heard of, but a man most know bugger all about including me, thus I found this post an interesting read with so what the hell thoughts.

mem said...

Well He would definitely have been a signed up member of the Nazi party and probably active in carrying out their horrors .I have heard that he was "in the closet" which might explain some of the persecution he meted out to others , It seems that a failure to be our true selves twists us spiritually and emotionally making us into horrible people, at least in his case. .
Helen I don't know if you are familiar with the journalist and historian Rachel Maddow . She has a podcast Ultra which I think you would find riveting . Its about the extremism in the US earlier in the 20 the century and how it is a forerunner of what is happening at present .
Also fancy letting a 27 year old run the FBI . NUTTS

mem said...

Also It was more often Catholic kings who burnt witches and heretics . The inquisition was definitely Catholic .

hels said...

Me too. I did a lot of history at school and uni, but entirely British Empire and European history. I wouldn't have known Hoover if we tripped over each other on StKilda beach.

But it became increasingly important to catch up on nasty right wing politics, particularly once WW1 ended.

hels said...

Hoover never allowed a woman to touch him because that would have given her some power to ignore his commands. And he REALLY disliked disobedient women. Most historians assumed he was gay, although his treatment of gays via the FBI was relentless.

I can find the Maddow podcast in time for our driving around next week. Thanks for the perfect timing.

hels said...

I cannot remember any witch burning by Catholic kings because they were far too busy pursuing and burning heretics. As in the vicious Spanish Inquisition.

My name is Erika. said...

J. Edgar Hoover was a scary man, and the sad part is that there's still too many people like him in powerful positions. At least here in the US. I hope you're having a great week.

Hels said...


I agree with you, but I do not understand how aggressive and powerful men get as far as they do, without the surrounding people supervising and controlling. I know that Hoover introduced many training programmes to improve law enforcement, improved FBI recruiting and expanded forensic analysis in federal and state law enforcement investigations. For that, I suppose, FBI and political authorities would have been happy, but what about his racism, misogyny and viciousness to migrants. Did nobody say anything?

How did he remain as Director for decades until his death in May 1972, leading the FBI for 48 years?? Not even Putin or Mussolini managed that.