07 January 2025

Was Joseph Kennedy racist before/in WW2?

Patrick Joseph Ken­nedy (1858–1929) was the son of poor Irish im­migrants who married in Boston in 1849. Originally a saloon-owner in Boston who ex­pand­ed to own a whiskey importation business, Patrick Kennedy made a good living in al­co­hol, and became the first family member to enter local politics. When Prohib­ition became law in 1920, importers like Patrick were allowed to keep the stores of liquor that they held. In fact Prohib­ition only banned the manuf­acture, sale and transportation of liquor, not drinking it.

Patrick’s son, Joseph P Kennedy (1888-1969), had joined the prom­inent Hayden stock brokerage firm in 1919 as an expert dealing in the unreg­ulat­ed stock mar­ket then. Joseph demanded to be paid, not only in sal­ary and expen­ses, but in stock options. Af­t­er succeeding as a stock trader, Joseph Kennedy became the youngest US bank presid­ent at 25!

His fortune increased. While other major investors pumped money into the stock market, Kennedy knew that stocks were over­valued. He sold off most stock holdings pre-1929 Crash, and started shorting stocks, betting prices would go down. When many lost their homes on Black Tuesday, Kennedy walked away richer. Dodgy yes, but very clever.

When he left for Hollywood in the late 1920s, Joseph Kennedy bought a failing Hollywood movie studio and started pumping out cheap films. In 1928 Joseph Kennedy sold two of his small film studios, creating RKO Pictures. It was best known for allowing 24-year-old genius Orson Welles to make Citizen Kane, the film following treach­er­ous American magnate Charles Foster Kane.

Joe and Rose Kennedy, center, with their 8 children at Hyannis Port, Mass
Ted Kennedy was born a year later in 1932
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum)

The huge money that the Kennedys made from alcohol remained. In 1933, when it was clear that Prohibition would be overturned, Joseph Kennedy used his already substantial wealth and polit­ical conn­ect­ions to ensure exc­l­usive contracts to import high-end Scottish spirits; they proved extremely lucrative. When Proh­ib­ition was lifted in Dec 1933, relieved Americans quickly bought up whiskey and gin. Note that when Joe Ken­nedy sold his liquor franchise a decade later, he earned $8.2 million ($100+ million today).

In 1932, multi million­aire Kennedy supported Franklin D Roosevelt in his bid for the Pres­id­ency. This was Joseph’s first major involvement in a national political campaign, to which he donated and raised large moneys.

Ken­n­edy began his short public service career in 1934 as the head of the Securities and Exchange Commis­sion under Pres Roose­velt. The ambitious Kennedy wanted something bigger eg Secretary of the Treasury. But Roosevelt knew the stubborn, foul-mouthed Kennedy probably wouldn’t follow orders, so he said no. When Kennedy later suggested an ambassadorship, Roos­e­velt reluctantly gave him the nod

Irish priest Father Charles Coughlin was the most influential Catholic spokesman on political and financial is­s­ues on radio. Originally a strong supp­orter of Roosevelt, in 1934 Coughlin broke with the pre­sident when Roosevelt bitterly opp­os­ed Coughlin's weekly anti-communist, anti-Semitic, far-right, anti–Federal Reserve, is­ol­ationist radio talks.

Roosevelt sent Kennedy and other prominent Irish Catholics to tone down Father Coughlin. But I cannot tell if A] Joe Ken­nedy sec­retly approved of Father Coughlin or B] Kennedy had any impact on Father Coughlin in any case. Only one report said that Joe Kennedy was given the position of Ambassador to Britain by President Roosevelt explicitly as a reward for silencing the inflammatory Catholic priest.

In 1938, war was looming in Europe. Hitler took Austria, and wanted Czechoslovakia. British PM Nev­il­le Chamberlain sought appeasement, as did Kennedy. Kennedy insisted that US invol­vement would lead to another Great Depression, or even utter devastation.

In May and June 1938, Kennedy had extensive discussions with the new German Ambassador to Britain, Herbert von Dirksen. In the midst of these un­ap­proved discussions, Kennedy advised von Dirksen that the President was “the victim of Jewish influence and was poorly informed re Germany’s philosophy, ambitions and ideals”. Dirksen reported to the State Secret­ary of the German Foreign Ministry that Kennedy was Germany's best friend in London.

In Nov, the persecution of German and Austrian Jews continued into Krist­allnacht. Kennedy continued to loudly advocate for appeasement, in London and at home, arguing that Britain would be destroyed other­wise. He tried to set up a personal meeting with Hitler, but it never materialised.

Joseph Kennedy, U.S ambassador to Britain, flanked by sons Joseph Jr (L) and John (R),
aboard an ocean liner,1938
Washington Post

Embassy aide Harvey Klemmer presented Kennedy’s summary of his anti-Jewish sentiment: “Individual Jews are alright, but as a race they stink. They spoil everything they touch. Look what the kikes did to the movies”. Even in May 1940, when Winston Churchill replaced Chamberlain, Kennedy’s dis­graceful victim-blaming continued.

Back in the USA in late 1940, a paranoid Kennedy blam­ed Jewish Hollywood and its anti-German propaganda for pushing America towards war. He also blamed the prob­lematic Jew-Media in New York and LA for trying to set a match to the fuse of the world”. Shortly after vaguely endorsing Roosev­elt’s third term on radio, Kennedy resigned.

Now we have to explain how Joseph Kennedy’s public behaviour could have been so appalling. Read David Nas­aw’s 2012 book, The Patriarch: The Remarkable Life and Tur­bulent Tim­es of Joseph P Kennedy. Nasaw took each criticism of Kennedy one at a time. Per­haps Joseph’s tactics did border on in­sider trading and market man­ipul­at­ion in the 1920s, but the unregulated market meant that Joseph wasn’t trading illegally. Ken­nedy became a multi-millionaire during the 1920s bull market and even wealthier by taking short posit­ions in 1929. Secondly Nasaw said there was no evidence whatsoever about Kennedy trad­ing in illicit liquor. Thirdly Nasaw didn’t think that Kennedy was very anti-Semitic; rather he was raised to believe cultural myths about Jews, Catholics and Prot­est­ants alike. Joe Kennedy did accept the idea that there was “something in the genetic makeup, in the blood of Jews that makes them sinis­t­er, evil and destructive of Christian morality.” But, said Nasaw, Kennedy bought into ancient anti-Semitic myths and scapegoating; he did not cross­ the line into actual racism. [The difference escapes me].

Pres Roosevelt congratulates Joseph P. Kennedy as the new ambassador to UK Jan 1938. 
Ass Justice Stanley Reed administered Kennedy’s oath.
Warfare History

However in 1944 Kennedy would still not say or write anything about the fate of European Jews. “The Jews themselves should pay less attention to advertising their racial problem, and more att­ention to solving it. It’s chiefly their fault now.” The victory over the Nazis in 1945 was celebrated by most people as the triumph of good over evil. But even then, Kennedy believed that victory over Hitler had cost too much and accomplished too little.

Felled by a deb­il­­itating stroke in 1961, Joe Kennedy body lived on for 8 years. He died in 1969.


roentare said...

Joseph Kennedy's actions, particularly during the stock market crash, might be seen as morally ambiguous, but they undeniably showcase his financial acumen.

Joe said...

Herbert von Dirksen, who had a job to do for Germany, seemed to find a close ally in American Ambassador to Britain, Joseph Kennedy. Who knew.

jabblog said...

Joe Kennedy was interested primarily in increasing his own wealth and importance. He was a nasty piece of work.

hels said...

There is no doubt that his financial skills, legal and illegal, were hugely successful in the world of alcohol and stock. But that doesn't explain why he was invited into politics and embassies. Surely people knew his nasty views
by the middle 30s.

hels said...

I'm 1938 Germany put its best ambassadors into the main European nations, including von Dirksen in London. This was the worst time in Czechoslovakia, Sudetenland etc. Kennedy saw this as a wonderful opportunity to share his views with von Dirksen and to change the US President's thinking.

So Kennedy was indeed seen as a close ally of Germany.

hels said...

Lots of people wanted to increase their own wealth and importance, and as long as they don't damage other people, I suppose that is acceptable +ish. But vicious racism ALWAYS damaged other people, in his own country as well as elsewhere. How did the President and others tolerate Kennedy for so long?

The Russell Kirk Center said...

The Ambassador: Joseph P. Kennedy at the Court of St. James 1938–1940,
written by Susan Ronald (St Martin’s Press, 2021).

When Joseph P. Kennedy arrived in England in early 1938, he quickly found a home among the ruling elite who believed that “fascism was the cure for communism.” Notwithstanding FDR’s unprecedented provocation of sending an Irishman with no diplomatic skills to Great Britain, Kennedy immediately sided with Prime Minister Chamberlain and the appeasers, believing that any deal with Hitler—no matter how humiliating and lethal to the lives of millions—was preferable to war. Kennedy never stopped believing that Hitler could be bought off, that businessmen could do business with fascists.

Margaret D said...

A successful businessman he was, very interesting family.

Hels said...

Russell Kirk
many thanks for the referral. The book review in publishersweekly is more supportive of Joseph Kennedy and less critical than other books I've read.

"Casting Kennedy as an anti-Semite and a dangerously inept diplomat, Susan Ronald details his burning political ambitions, his role in wrangling the Catholic vote and turning the tide of public opinion in favor of Roosevelt in the 1936 election, and his push to become ambassador. Once in London, Kennedy enraged his Washington DC overseers by repeatedly passing off personal opinions as official State Department stances, and angered his hosts by predicting a decisive defeat if Britain went to war with Germany. His resignation in 1940, after a disastrous visit to the U.S, ended his public career, but Kennedy would eventually see his sons reach the political heights he had not.

Hels said...

A very interesting family, albeit tragic as well!! In fact the Kennedy family was one of the most publicly successful families in US history.

diane b said...

An interesting post about KJoe Kennedy. I had no idea that he was a nasty piece of work.

Hels said...

Kennedy clearly didn't want the US to be drawn into WW2, on either side. So he explained many times that US invol­vement would lead to another Great Depression, military devastation or would destroy international trade. He did NOT support the Germans because they took the high moral ground in war.

Andrew said...

Disturbing, to say the least. Interesting to know, as usual.

Luiz Gomes said...

Boa tarde de terça-feira, com muita paz e saúde. Obrigado pela aula de história. O Bioma da Serra do Cipó é todo natural. E formação de milhões de anos. Ali já foi mar, a milhões de anos.

hels said...

Also disturbing to his sons, I would imagine, had they been aware of his beliefs and behaviours in the 1930s. President Kennedy focused on human rights, economic development and largely peace - not treason and racism.

Hels said...

I know that Brazil declared war on the Axis powers in mid-1942, after five Brazilian ships were sunk by a German U-boat. But were you familiar with the relationship between Kennedy, Roosevelt and Germany?

peppylady (Dora) said...

I heard about this before. I understand his son Joe, wrote his father in favor of the final solution.

Hels said...

Joe Kennedy was strengthening his faith in Nazism, and had a solution to The Jewish Problem; he said he had worked out with Chamber­lain a plan to ship all German Jews to Africa. In Sept 1940, Kenn­edy again sought a personal meeting with Hitler, believinv he could bring closeness between the USA and Ger­m­any.

Peppy, there is nothign wrong with History News, but I just wish I had a primary source, directly written by Kennedy.

Gattina said...

He had his time of doubtful glory, fortunately he doesn't see what the Kennedy family has become today.

Hels said...

the glory was very doubtful, yes. However it takes a long, long time for records to be formally released!
And if someone tries to release documents illegally, he will end up like Julian Assange. Assange disclosed the documents via the WikiLeaks website in 2010 and was freed FINALLY in 2024.

Ellen E said...

What was the relationship between JFK and Joseph P. Kennedy Sr.? Was there any resentment from JFK towards his dad for the things he said about him behind his back?

JPK was a loyal and devoted father. His children were everything to him. It is inconceivable that Poppa Joe would malign his son. However, there was one story which may or may not be true. Speaking about the money he spent on JFK’s election Joe Sr quipped that for that amount of money he could have gotten his chauffeur elected. You know it was told tongue in cheek.

Their relationship was not strained. JFK adored his father. He did not agree with his father’s outspoken and reckless calls for appeasement with Hitler and his virulent anti-semitism but he kept his mouth shut. Unlike his brother, Joe Jr, he was not in lock step with his father’s political views. Jack saw for himself what was happening in Europe. In the capacity as Aide to his father, the Ambassador, he visited European capitals as well as Russia and saw for himself the looming Nazi threat. As Joe Sr became more and more bellicose in his renouncement of Churchill’s call for war, Jack kept his own counsel. It was only when his father had succeeded in alienating Roosevelt and the entire British government that Jack suggested that he tone down his doomsday message.

When JFK became president, of course his father continued to give him counsel but Jack paid him lip service, politely heard him out and went about his way. His father never second guessed him when they were in disagreement.

by Ellen E in Quora

My name is Erika. said...

This was a really interesting read. I grew up in Massachusetts where the Kennedy's were from and I came from a family that didn't like them. But I have a slightly different opinion of them from my family. But I'm not sure about Jospeh Kennedy because he was really out of the picture by the time I got old enough to follow the news. Thanks was this post Hels. I enjoyed it and now I'm curious to read more.

Hels said...

me too. But I suspect we didn't know anything about Joseph Kennedy because his views and allegiances were hidden by the American government, before the war and during it. On the other hand my parents were very proud of President JFK, and so was I.

Hels said...

It is a tough question. On one hand, Joseph Kennedy was a typical Irish Catholic father who supported and ruled his sons with love, control and great ambitions. Plus dad was wealthy politician in his own right, who used his wealth to vigorously fund his sons' political campaigns.

As you say when his father alienated Roosevelt and the entire British government, Jack understand the two generations were very different.