10 September 2024

Polish musician Szpilman/Adrien Brody in The Pianist

Władysław Szpilman (1911-2000) was born in Sosnowiec Poland into a cultured family. He showed an early talent for the piano, training in Warsaw, then in the 1920s continuing in Berlin. In the most exciting art and musical environment anywhere, Weimar Germany, Szpilman studied piano and composition at the Ber­l­in Acad­emy of Arts, working with Franz Schreker. When the Nazis took power in 1933 he returned to his family in Warsaw and worked as a pianist for Polish Radio. By 1939, he had composed many popular songs and classical works, and became quite famous.

Szpilman and his parents pre-war, elegantly dressed
In Your Pocket

This promising musical career was stopped by Germany's invas­ion of Poland, Sept 1939. Szpilman & his family were driven into the War­saw ghetto, along with thousands of other local Jews. To prot­ect them from starvation, Szpilman played piano at Café Nowaczesna Sienna St, a happy gathering place for Nazis, while thous­ands outside were starv­ing. He also worked at other cafés and night­clubs, possible bec­ause Szpil­man had strong connections to many other artists in the ghetto. Ironically Café Nowaczesna had once been frequented by the Jewish elite.

Tragically in mid 1942, when packed deport­ations from the gh­etto began, Szpilman saw his relatives and friends being sent on trucks but managed to keep his immediate family safe. Alas they too were finally put on board for transport to The East, Treblinka. As they were boarding the train, an unknown hand pulled him away to safety, and he watched as his family was sent to the gas chambers.

Jewish families being deported from Warsaw Ghetto
by German soldiers, Yad Vashem

Warsaw deportees put on the cattle cars
by German soldiers, Wiki

Unable to leave the ghetto due to the constant threats, Sz­pilman relied on the kindness of colleagues to live. In the following months, Warsaw was largely destroyed; Szpilman barely survived, moving from destroyed buildings.

After months of a hungry life, it was in winter 1945 that Szpilman met the German officer who saved his life. The film’s cl­osing scenes involved Szpilman's meeting with Capt Wilm Hosenfeld who accidentally found the hiding place.

Once the war ended, Szpilman returned to Polish Radio and to composing. He also gave concert performances as a soloist and mem­ber of chamber ensembles. He stopped touring in 1986 to devote him­self to composing, and died in Warsaw in 2000. By then Szpilman was a very popular musician of post-war Poland. But until his biography was published in German and English, and espec­ially Roman Polanski’s great film, Szpilman was virtually unk­n­own in the West.

Szpilman at Polish Radio after WW2
In Your Pocket

The Pianist (2002) told the true story of acclaimed musician Wl­ad­ys­­law Szpilman, who strugg­led to keep his family alive in WW2 but failed. Directed by Roman Polanski, filmed in Poland and released in 2002, the drama was inspired by the autobiography, The Pianist: Extraordinary True Story of One Man’s Survival in Warsaw 1939-45, and followed the radio station pianist as he went on a terrible journey in the Warsaw Ghetto once it was sealed off in Nov 1940.

 What music was used in The Pianist film? Polanski’s screen adaptation demanded a melancholy soundtrack to match its sombre themes, and no one suited better than Romantic composer, Frédéric Chopin. Approp­riately, Szpilman had often shared his love of Chopin with list­en­ers while working on air, so many of Chopin’s master­­pieces featured in the film, played on the soundtrack album by Polish classical pianist and Chopin Competition winner, Janusz Olejniczak.

Did young American method actor star Adrien Brody really play the piano in The Pianist? Polanski made Brody practise the piano for four hours a day, until he could master passages from some of Chopin’s finest works. Brody also made a lot of personal sacrifices to live the life of the tragic Polish pianist. To embody a man who had lost everything, Brody left his girlfriend and went on a severe diet, losing 14 ks. Despite ha­v­ing very little energy, starving himself to experience the des­per­ation that comes with hun­g­er, Brody persisted with his piano lessons. There was an empti­ness that came with starving that he hadn’t experienced.

actor Adrien Brody, playing piano in the film

Brody also spent time self-educating on the Holocaust, even though his maternal grandmother was a Hungarian Jew. “I was depressed for a year after The Pianist. And I don’t suffer from depression generally, but this was mourning. I was very dist­urbed by what I embraced in making that film, and of the awareness that it opened up in me. I gave up my apartment, sold my car, dis­con­nected the phones and left. I took two bags and my keyboard and moved to Europe.”

The film won the Palme d’Or at the 2002 Cannes Film Festival. At the 2003 Academy Awards, The Pianist won Oscars for Best Director (Roman Polanski), Best Adapted Screenplay (Ronald Harwood) and Best Actor (Adrien Brody), and was nominated for Best Picture.

This was called Roman Polanski’s strongest and most person­ally felt movie, given that as a child Polanski survived the Kraków ghetto and lost beloved family in the camps.


YouTube said...

Szpilman and Chopin fans will be delighted to hear Chopin Nocturne No. 20 performed by Wladyslaw Szpilman in "The Pianist".

Hels said...

Many thanks. I thought the film was powerful and painful. But I appreciate that Szpilman shared his love of Chopin with list­en­ers on air, and that many Chopin treasures featured in the film.

jabblog said...

There is no doubt that Polanski is a brilliant director and I can imagine this film is haunting. I'll track it down.

Hels said...

when Roman Polanski directed and released the film back in 2002, he clarified it was closely based on the autobiographical book The Pianist, the post-war memoir by Poland's Jewish pianist-composer Władysław Szpilman. Although I saw it 20+ years ago, the film still reverberates in my memory.

Luiz Gomes said...

Boa tarde e uma excelente terça-feira. Obrigado pela excelente aula e matéria, minha querida amiga.

Rachel Phillips said...

What better person to make the film than Polanski. I remember reading Polanski autobiography in the 1980s and being shocked to find he had been in the Krakow Ghetto and to read of his early life. Until that point I had only known him through school many years before and seeing his Macbeth as a fifth former in preparation for my school exam. I did not know of The Piano film. Thank you for this post.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I knew the name but had to read the post to recall from where, the film The Piano, he was one of many who had not the easiest of life's but survived and did well

Ирина Полещенко said...

Unfortunately, I had never heard of Władysław Szpilman before. Thank you for writing about his life. I only knew the Polish composer Fryderyk Chopin.
The Second World War destroyed many families and took millions of lives.

My name is Erika. said...

I haven't heard of Wladyslaw Szpilman either, but it's interesting reading about him. My great grandfather came from Poland, and so it's interesting to read a snippet about my ancestors homeland. (Not to make this man's life into a snippet though.)

Hels said...

Thank you.
When I retired at the beginning of the covid lockdowns, I feared all those years of research and lecturing would be gone forever. But thanks to my blog and other bloggers' responses, all that work will be preserved and recycled.

Hels said...

I never examined Polansk's work as a director before seeing The Pianist, and even then it only occurred to me to take notice of what the critics were saying. He clearly had an amazing career.

Hels said...

Polanski had the worst of lives, but he did survive the Holocaust. He may have behaved badly in his later career, but his films were largely very successful.

Hels said...

I also had not heard of Władysław Szpilman before the film The Pianist came out.. only then did he become very famous outside of Poland. How ironic that horror made him famous.

Hels said...

perhaps your passion for the arts came via your Polish ancestors :)

Joe said...

Adrien Brody was the actor who was the youngest ever Academy Award winner for Best Actor. Only in his 20s, he thoroughly deserved the Oscar, although I imagine he suffered terribly from his role.

Margaret D said...

It's a movie I'm yet to watch but can't bring myself to do so as I knew/know it's a sad one and good. One day I will watch it.

Hels said...

Adrien Brody might have been very young, but in the film he looked skinny, maltreated, badly dressed, desperate and middle aged. I am also certain that he suffered misery and hunger in preparing for his role.
He really did deserve the Oscar.. even if he is never nominated again for the rest of his career.

Hels said...

I read literature largely without concerns for anxiety and nightmares, but I am also very cautious when it comes to visual presentations eg films. I have always censored my viewing habits very carefully.
But The Pianist is well worth watching.