Cliff Richards lending support to Mary Whitehouse
establishing the National Viewers' Association and the 'Clean-up TV campaign' 1964
establishing the National Viewers' Association and the 'Clean-up TV campaign' 1964
National Portrait Gallery.
Penguin Books faced obscenity charges for publishing an uncensored version of D.H Lawrence's novel, Lady Chatterley's Lover in 1960. The original 1928 book featured detailed sex scenes and many four-letter swear-words. After rendering a not guilty verdict in the Old Bailey, Lady Chatterley's Lover sold 200,000 copies on its first day of publication. Years later in the Guardian newspaper, human-rights lawyer Geoffrey Robertson wrote that this case was followed by liberal court decisions, legalising homosexuality and abortion in Britain.
The National Festival of Light was formed by Mary Whitehouse (1910-2001), with Malcolm Muggeridge, Cliff Richards (b1940-) and a large committee. Their role was to defeat the rise of permissive society in the UK and the explicit depiction of sexual themes in mass media. Their huge rallies occurred in London in Sept 1971.
Gay News had been founded in 1972, uniting Britain’s main gay rights organisations. The time was right for a media representation of homosexuality, given the decriminalisation of homosexual acts back in 1967.
Now leap forward to Nov 1976 when Mary Whitehouse, relentless champion of conservative morality, found a large envelope at her front door - inside was the June 1976 copy of Gay News, the country’s only gay periodical. A scrawled note drew her attention to a poem called The Love That Dares To Speak Its Name, written by poet Prof James Kirkup. The poem graphically detailed the crucifixion of Christ, as seen by a gay Roman centurion.
The intention was to provoke Whitehouse, the person who was a tiresome joke in Britain when spouse and I lived there in the 1970s. It worked. Whitehouse had already irritated successive controllers of BBC television and radio over the years, attacking them for their lax broadcasting standards. Whitehouse had also intervened with the Home Secretary to prevent controversial avant-garde Danish film-maker, Jens Jørgen Thorsen, from entering Britain with his films.
Whitehouse thought the poem in Gay News was both obscene and a direct attack upon Christianity. She discovered that the Common Law offence of blasphemous libel from 1697 still existed and soon the British public was awaiting the outdated vision of a blasphemy trial. In 1977 this seemed the last stand of a conservative establishment that had failed to respond to counterculture productions eg musicals Jesus Christ Superstar and Godspell.
In Dec 1976, lawyers investigated the law surrounding blasphemous libel. What the 1697 Blasphemy Law actually meant was unclear, given that the law had been declared a Dead Letter (i.e a law which has not been repealed but is ineffectual in practice) by the then Master of the Rolls after WW2. The last time it had been used was against anarchist John William Gott, in 1921. His harsh prison sentence had broken his health, dying just after being released.
In defending the poem in the Old Bailey, the editor of Gay News, Denis Lemon, strove to employ the leading counter-cultural advocates of the day. On the other side, barrister John Mortimer (Rumpole of the Bailey's author) led the defence, alongside Geoffrey Robertson, a barrister who championed worthy liberal causes. The defence lined up literary critics, writers and theologians to speak on behalf of Gay News and the poem’s virtues. After all, Britain was a free, tolerant society that had long permitted literary exploration of the Divine.
Whitehouse thought the poem in Gay News was both obscene and a direct attack upon Christianity. She discovered that the Common Law offence of blasphemous libel from 1697 still existed and soon the British public was awaiting the outdated vision of a blasphemy trial. In 1977 this seemed the last stand of a conservative establishment that had failed to respond to counterculture productions eg musicals Jesus Christ Superstar and Godspell.
Defence barristers Mortimer (L) and Robertson (R)
But when the trial started in July 1977, the defence team found themselves totally stumped by procedural decisions. Judge King-Hamilton should normally have allowed both prosecution and defence to address the jury at the outset of the case. The prosecution was heard in detail, but the defence was not allowed. Judge King-Hamilton also ruled out any theological evidence about the precise nature of Christ’s humanity or divinity. King-Hamilton’s grounds were that the entire jury had sworn on the New Testament and were therefore familiar with the Christian faith. Shame, judge, shame!
Mary Whitehouse delivered the script of The Sex Life of Christ
to the Home Secretary, Oct 1976.
History Today
Mortimer and Robertson were desperate to combat the venom piled on Gay News, Lemon and Kirkup. The defence team called on author Margaret Drabble and journalist-literary critic Bernard Levin. Both were capable of countering the harm wreaked by the prosecution.
Despite denials, it appeared as if homosexuality itself was on trial. Summing up, prosecuting counsel John Smythe emphasised the immorality of the poem in particular, but that the whole of 1970s morality was on trial. The judge stated that blasphemy might be a Dead Letter, but a law’s antiquity did not stop it from being relevant. He directed the jury that the “intent” behind the poem were irrelevant in law.
By indicating that the mere fact of publication was enough to convict, Whitehouse v Lemon greatly altered the nation’s understanding of the old blasphemy law. Of course the outcome of the trial was a surprise to most middle-of-the-road British citizens; the verdict had suggested a backward period in public morality.
Whitehouse’s desire to protect Britain from sophisticated and urban permissiveness continued. She truly feared that high-minded, moral British culture was being ruined by exposure to anti-Christian European modernists. Whitehouse, the most censorious, evangelical figure amongst 60 million Brits, must have truly had God’s ear - she was honoured with a CBE in 1980!
Londoners queue outside Old Bailey courtrooms for the Lady Chatterley's Lover trial, 1960.
Photo credit: Sydney Morning Herald
Photo credit: Sydney Morning Herald
The Whitehouse v Lemon trial had exposed Britain’s archaic and obscure blasphemy laws. After Whitehouse v Lemon, it is not surprising that no further blasphemy prosecutions were pursued. And blasphemous libel ceased to be a common law offence in England and Wales with the passing of the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008. But it had taken a very long time.
You may want to read Media and Entertainment Law, by Ursula Smartt, 2011. And David Nash, "Blasphemy on Trial" in History Today, 1976
You wrote so well. This is something so interesting and important to know.
There are now very few restraints on publication of offensive material, the problem of course, being that what is offensive to one is acceptable to another. It all depends on interpretation and intent.
Do people remember the Dame Edna Experience with Cliff Richard and Mary Whitehouse in 1988? I wonder if Cliff and Mary knew about Dame Edna Everage in advance because it was very frivolous and funny. It could have been a disaster.
Given what Cliff Richard has been accused of, he had rather a cheek to part of Whitehouse's campaign.
I remember Whitehouse as being a moral campaigner but not the detail and certainly not the court case, so thank you for your terrific summary.
Was the decision appealed to a higher court? It certainly should have been.
My mind mixes up Mary Whitehouse with the doggie person Mary Woodhouse. Walkies!
I remember the events in detail, when living in the UK and after. But being very young back then, I admit to finding the entire process and outcome to be hilarious. Or perhaps lunatic. Now looking back, with both personal maturity and community chaos, it now seems to have been very serious.
Could there be another a blasphemy trial now? I don't know, but book banning can easily continue. The award for the Most Banned Book in the U.S is "1984" by George Orwell!
absolutely true. "One man's meat is another man's poison" which can refer to literature, art, religion, tv or any other medium. I think it is the parents' responsibility to ban offensive work from their own children, and perhaps teachers' responsibility to ban offensive material from their own students. And it is a tv or radio station's responsibility to specify what is coming up in their next programmes.
But Mary Whitehouse disliked a poem and prosecuted the magazine that published that poem.
Back in 1988 Mary Whitehouse was very smart. Whitehouse deflected every, single question and instead asked Dame Edna Everage what she/he would answer. It was like watching a jolly grandma, being charming with a weird cross-dressing tv host.
good question about the appeal. The Court of Appeal certain did hear the case in 1978, and wiped off Lemon’s prison sentence. But note that the remaining convictions were finally presented to the Law Lords in 1979 where they were upheld.
I cannot comment on Cliff's personal behaviours because no charges against him were ever pursued in court. But like many people, his religious commitments came and went over the years and he may have been trying to appease his God, for example, by linking up with The National Festival of Light and Mary Whitehouse.
An interesting read that hurt my head, times change people become less prudish or more prudish banning this or banning that and court cases that may make one wonder what the hell
It's interesting how some people are so blinded by their own beliefs that they feel everyone should think the same way. This was an interesting post, even if the world would be better if people accepted other people's views more readily. Happy new month.
It is beyond belief that a modern democracy would allow a 1697 Common Law crime to be invoked and the party gaoled for blasphemy. Mind you, Whitehouse and her barristers would have found a different law, if they had to.
Do you think the modern equivalent of the National Festival of Light will try to close down your services on moral or legal grounds?
Can you imagine great classics like Lady Chatterley's Lover or Jesus Christ Superstar being banned for _all_ citizens because _some people_ don't approve. If you don't want children to be exposed to adult material, don't allow children to see it! Just as we don't allow children to vote, drink wine or drive a car before they are 18!
Yes the world really would be much nicer if people tolerated other people's views more readily, as long as those views are not dangerous or illegal now (not in 1697).
Oh I remember when that book in 1960 and the fuss about it, it had me intrigued Hels.
Enjoyed reading more about it from you - thank you.
I remember all sorts of fusses as well, but at the time we were so busy with looking after babies etc, I didn't take it seriously enough.
Even in long established democracies like Britain, with separation of church and state, it shows that individual adults may not be able to read and watch what they like without intervention.
I cant help thinking that it needs to be CRITICAL THINKING that is both promoted by parents and teachers as well as society . We are seeing a result of a huge lack of that throughout the world and it is a great danger to us all. Banning stuff is just the easy way out . Yes sure we should ban some things but as we ban them we should have to justify it very thoughtfully and thoroughly . As we get into more and more AI etc the need to be able to think will be our only defence I fear . At the moment there is way too much emoting , feeling and opinionating going on . The outcome of this is neo fascism as we seek a strong man response to the messes around the planet accepting the empty and corrupt promises of psychopathic opportunists .
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