01 October 2024

Bobby Fischer: genius needing psychiatric help

As I wrote in an earlier post, American Bobby Fischer (1943–2008) played world championship mat­ches in 1970–1 when he won 20 consecutive games before losing once and drawing 3 times to ex-world champion Russian Tigran Petros­yan. In 1972 Fischer was the first American-born Jewish man to hold the World Champion tit­­le when he defeated Russian Boris Spassky in a mat­ch held in Reykjavík Iceland. Russia had dominated chess since the end of WW2, so the tournament was highly publicised; the Fisc­h­er-Spassky match thus became a metaphorical battle in the Cold War

Spassky and Fischer, 1972

In 1975 when Fischer was to defend his title against Anatoly Kar­pov, he had certain set guidelines that were non-negotiable. International Chess Federation-FIDE could ag­ree to the first 2 guidelines, but couldn't agree to the third. After sending out a letter to both Karpov and Fischer, Fischer refused to play, and forfeited his title in high dudgeon.

In 1992 he re-emerged to win a rematch against Spass­ky which was held in Yugoslavia, then under a United Nations emb­ar­go. His part­icipation led to a conflict with the US go­vernment, warn­ing Fisch­er that his partic­ipation in the ma­t­­ch would violate an ex­ecutive order imposing US sanctions on Yugo­sl­av­ia. The US gov­ern­ment is­sued a warrant for his arrest; so Fis­cher lived in semi-hiding.

He joined a Californian church whose leader had apocalyptic visions for World’s End. But that made Fischer even more is­olated. He began to read and dist­r­ib­ute anti-Semitic literat­ure and frequent­ly spoke angrily about Jews & Americans. Bobby re­jected everything that he’d come fr­om. He appl­auded the 3,000 massacres in his infam­ous 9/11 speech and stopped playing  ­profess­ional chess. Fis­cher was an example of a very skilled man with a very high IQ who fell from grace, brought about by his own dodgy moral be­h­av­iour.

Fischer's angry talking points never varied: He was per­secuted by world Jewry. The U.S government was a bru­t­al, evil dictatorship that falsely accused Bobby Fischer of a cr­ime and forced him to live in exile. Fischer was swindled out of a vast fortune in royalties by book publishers, movie stud­ios and clock manufacturers, who had brazenly pilfered his brand name, patents and copyrights. The Jews are a filthy, lying bastard people bent on world domination thr­ou­gh such insidious schemes as the Holocaust which was a money-making invention, the mass murder of Christian children (their blood used for black-magic) and junk food (William Rosenberg, founder of Dunkin Donuts, was the main culprit).

Bobby Fischer Rediscovered, 
by Andrew Soltis, 2020

Later he lived in Japan where he met and married a chess off­ic­ial, Miyoko Wat­ai. In Jul 2004, act­ing in response to a tip-off from US officials, Japanese imm­ig­r­ation authorities arr­es­ted Fischer for us­ing a revoked US pass­port while boarding a fl­ight to Manila. Naturally he resisted arrest and claimed to have sus­tained bruises and broken teeth in the process. He was held for 16 days before being moved to a different facility.

Fischer applied for citizenship in Germany be­cause he hoped his father had been German, but his application failed. Bobby was so determined to renounce his US cit­iz­en­ship, he as­k­ed US Sec of State Colin Powell for help, which also failed. In the fin­al request, Japanese Justice Minister also rej­ect­ed his asylum request and ordered his deportation.

Desperate to evade deportation to the USA, Fischer wrote to Iceland in Jan 2005 requesting citizenship. Symp­a­t­h­etic but un­willing to grant full citizenship, Iceland gave him an al­ien's passport. Then their Parliament unanim­ous­ly ag­reed to grant Fischer full citizenship for humanitar­ian reas­ons.

Fischer arrived in Iceland in 2005
The Guardian

Being a sociable egalitarian people, Icelanders felt that he was being treated unjustly by the American and Japanese gov­er­n­men­ts in 1972 and wanted to help put Iceland on the map. Af­ter landing in Reykjavík, Fischer gave a long press confer­en­ce in which he claimed that America was out to get him. He then liv­ed out his life as a virtual recluse in Iceland. 

Laugardælir Church,
Fischer's resting place, Wiki

Bobby Fischer's lonely grave, Reykjavik
In Jan 2008, Fischer (64) died from kidney failure in Reyk­jav­ík. He left no will and was buried next to the Christian Laug­ardælir church near Reykjavík. But then Fischer's $2 mill­ion estate became the subject of a 4-way legal batt­le. Mrs Marilyn Young claimed that Fischer was Jinky's father, prov­id­ing bapt­ismal certificates, photos and Jin­ky's DNA. The legit­im­­acy of Miyoko Watai's marriage to Fischer was also challenged. The 4 part­ies in conflict were a] Fischer's wife; b] Jinky Young and her mo­t­h­er Marilyn; c] his 2 American nephews, Alexander & Nic­­­h­­­­ol­as­ Targ, and d] their father. (The US government also claim­ed unpaid taxes)

In June 2010 Iceland’s Supreme Court ruled in favour of Jinky Young's petit­ion to have his body exhumed, alongside a doctor and priest. Two years after he was buried in a frozen Iceland­ic grave­yard, Fischer’s body was dug up to det­erm­ine if a 9-year-old Fil­ipino girl was his child and heir to his $2 mill fortune. DNA res­ul­ts ruled out Fischer as Jinky’s fat­h­er. In Mar 2011, an Icelandic court ruled that Miyoko Wat­ai and Fis­ch­er had legally married in Sept 2004 and that she’d inh­erit Fischer's estate as his widow. Perhaps in revenge, Fisch­er's nephews had to pay Watai's $57,000 legal costs.

Fischer was known for his in­ten­se personality. This perfect­ion­ist was fiercely competitive, but that only seemed to cont­ribute to his poor behaviour. Fischer's mental health deteriorated over time and he was diagnosed with various mental health conditions. His co­n­­trovers­ial statements and behaviour led to him being ostracised in the chess world, and increasingly isolated from society in gen­eral, reinforcing his feelings of paranoia. 

Bobby Fischer Centre,
Visit South Iceland
The Bobby Fischer Centre, which opened in 2013 in Selfoss Southern Iceland, displays Spas­sky´s and Fischer´s score sheets, a replica of their chessboard and items related to Bobby Fischer’s life in Iceland eg his furniture. There is a chess library, and in summer they use the chess classrooms.


Chess Player said...

Bobby Fischer was certainly an exceptional mathematician. Even if he was a dangerous lunatic, part of his brain functioned so well that he could calculate complex variations in his head.

Hels said...

Chess Player
good question.
Kasparov was also famous for his ability to calculate many moves in advance with great accuracy, just like Fischer. In fact some players were skilled mathematicians who used their expertise to go into chess later and do very well.
But other great players were not clearly mathematicians, amateur or professional.

Liam Ryan said...

I recognise the name and his chess repute.
But I had no idea he was a bit of a crackpot and unhinged with 9/11 and antisemitism. Poor guy.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I knew the name Bobby Fischer from where I do not know as I know nothing about the man, reading this it sounds to me like he was a man with a lot of issues

Andrew said...

It seems like he should have been put under strong mental health care. He was very fortunate that Iceland gave him a sanctuary.

Chess.com said...

A number of grandmasters who'd spent time with him thought Fischer not just eccentric, but deeply troubled. At a tournament in Bulgaria, U.S. grandmaster Robert Byrne suggested that Fischer see a psychiatrist, to which Fischer replied that "a psychiatrist ought to pay me for the privilege of working on my brain." Hungarian-born grandmaster Pal Benko said "I am not a psychiatrist, but it was obvious he was not normal. I told him, You are paranoid, and he said that "paranoids can be right."


Hels said...

Out of the billions of people on this globe, Fischer was definitely one of the three most brilliant chess players since WW2 ended. But his issues started as difficult for a young lad and descended into isolation and helplessness. If he wanted to hide in the snow for years, that was his business I suppose. But what about his ?wives and ?children and colleagues?

Hels said...

perhaps genius IS linked to some form of madness eg Beethoven was bipolar and alcoholic; Edvard Munch had screaming panic attacks; Isaac Newton was bipolar and schizophrenic; Vincent van Gogh was suicidal and alcoholic.

Hels said...

Bobby had no father, his mother went to study medicine in Russia when he was a teen, he was hounded by the FBI because of his mother's communism and feared playing Russian chess players because they colluded with each other. So he had a horrid start to life, even if he didn't later experience his horrid psychosis with persecutory delusions and paranoia.

Hels said...

Thank you for a tricky reference. I will read it again.

Was anyone sure that he would have ever been prepared to listen to advice, even from chess grand masters? And even now that I am certain Fischer was psychologically troubled practically from kindergarten, suffering from mental illness may have blocked his ability to EVER seek proper diagnosis and treatment.

Deb said...

Were there any financial issues involved in Fischer's paranoia? Perhaps the World Champion prize wasn't worth very much.

Luiz Gomes said...

Bom dia. Uma excelente quarta-feira e um excelente mês de outubro. Não conhecia o Tema. Obrigado pela explicação e dividir conosco.

mem said...

It sounds to me as he may well have been on the autism spectrum as well as having some savant abilities but also some permanent psychosis. What a sad life . I think the US could have cut him more slack and been kinder .As for diagnosing people who lived centuries ago , I think its all so relative to our modern standards of behavior and how we interpret the world around us . What seemed mad to people 3centuries ago is now considered a little odd or completely normal so I think its hard to know what was wrong , if indeed anything with Newton and others . It must have been hard to have amazing skills in an area which most of us "normal" mortals couldn't comprehend and to still feel part of the community around you .

Student said...

Deb. I found the value of one prize straight away, 1992. Fischer won $3.35 million while Spassky got a $1.65 million payday for his loss. Even given the other years' prize money was smaller, it doesn't seem Fischer had a financial problem then.

Student said...

Luiz Do young people play chess and read about chess in these generations as much as they used to in the past. I learned to play with my brothers when we all lived at home.

Student said...

mem Helen's leg is currently in a rigid moon boot but will be answering your comment on Sunday.

mem said...

oh dear , poor Helen . She is in the wars . Give her my regards .

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Student said...

Are you a chess player yourself or do you just watch and read about other chess stars?

hels said...

Fischer had a terrible family life and I am surprised he grew up as competently as he did. But in the end, I am assuming he was too disturbed and even being a world champion in his chosen field turned out to be a source of more tragedy. Being a genius is rarely a guarantee of happiness, is it?

Anonymous said...
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Hels said...

thank you for reading the post, but I have no idea what you are describing.

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Hels said...

many thanks for reading my post.