14 September 2024

Corfu: Venetian, British, Greek, Jewish.

Corfu Island sat in the eastern Medit­erranean, off the western coast of Greece, Albania and near South Italy, occupying a milit­ar­ily and economically strategic point. Corfu was therefore conquered often: by the Romans, Byzantines, Goths, Vene­tians, Sicilian kings, Ottoman Empire, Napoleonic armies, Britain and the Greek Kingdom.

neoclassical Achilleion Palace
built for Empress of Austria, 1888
Shiny Greece

Before France's Revolutionary Wars, the Ionian Sea Islands had been in Re­public of Venice. The 1797 Treaty dissolved the Republic of Ven­ice and Corfu was ann­ex­ed to the French Republic as a French depart­ment. In 1798-9 the French were expelled by a joint Russo-Ottoman force. The occupying forces founded an island republic with some independence from 1800-7, with Greek as the local language. 

The Ionian Islands were briefly re-occupied by the French, but in 1809-10, the UK defeated the French fleet and capt­ured some Greek Islands. After Napoleon, many countries wanted to control this prize island. Thanks to the aid of a Greek General, an 1815 Treaty signed in Paris recog­nis­­ed Ionian islands under exclusive British control.

The United States of 7 Ionian Islands Federation was cr­eated in 1817. Under the rule of a Lord High Com­m­is­sion­er, the Corfu gov­ernment was appointed by the British monarch and then the Supreme Council of Justice was established.

The first (1815-23) British high commissioner was Sir Thomas Mait­land, a rather repressive ruler who quickly stir­red complaints from locals. Yet the British era (1815-64) was one of the most thriving eras in Cor­fu’s history. The 5th Earl Guil­ford estab­lish­ed Corfu’s first Greek Uni­versity in 1824. The estab­lish­ment of new schools went ahead and by 1850 there were 200. Corfu created its first Phil­har­monic Orch­estra and Fine Arts School, then built vast public works: prisons, hospit­als, marsh clear­ance, widened road net­works, public aqueduct systems and centres of com­merce.

In 1888, the Empress of Austria visited Corfu and decided it was the ideal location for her own palace. This opulent neoclassical Achilleion Palace is thus an imperial residence inspired by Greek mythology. The classical Greek statues that surround it are monuments to platonic romanticism.

British rule ended when an 1863 treaty demanded Britain renounce the Ion­ian islands. In March 1864 ag­ents from UK, Greece, France and Russia pledged the transfer of sover­eignty to Greece, under the new­ King George I of the Hellenes. And with the Lord High Commis­s­ioner’s procl­am­ation, the Ionian Islands were unit­ed with Greece (May 1864). The island pros­pered economically.  

Old fortress, barracks and British Naval Hospital
Trip Advisor
Clearly Corfu Town was a unique blend of hist­ories as many nations had contr­ol­led it over time. The public buildings of the Venetian rule blended well with narrow winding streets, bars, shops and secluded squares. Cul­tural sites were preserved eg Greece’s King Geor­ge I’s St Michael-George Palace (built 1819-2). Designed by Col George Whitmore, it sits atop a hill outside the capital. The pub­lic can see elegant interiors where the mus­eum dis­pl­ays artworks, stat­ues, historic­al and arch­aeol­og­ical treas­ures. Corfu had become part of the European world. The Venet­ians had built two fort­resses; the Old Fort included the British barr­acks and an imp­osing British Naval Hospital. And see the British Garrison Church, built as a Greek Doric Tem­ple. 

Palace of St. Michael and St. George

What about the Jewish community? In 1864, after Corfu was handed to Greece, local Jews were eman­cip­ated and received civil rights. They lived in relative freedom and com­fort, and made great efforts to relate well with Chr­is­t­ians. Most of the Corfu Jews happily dealt in trade.

In 1891 a blood libel was spread against local Jews but Corfu police didn’t stop the rioters! In May 1891 Corfu’s Jews sat inside their homes as if gaoled with closed windows, comm­erce ceased, pov­erty increased, and the synagogues were sealed. 22 Jews were massacred in the 1891 pogroms and in response, Austria, Fr­ance and England sent warships to the area to protect their citizens. French, Ottoman and other agents pro­t­ested the Greek govern­ment’s failure to block rioting, with the German cen­tral bank warn­ing Greece that unrest could damage its currency. After the blood libels, half of Corfu’s Jews left the island. Most of those who left had money, immig­rat­ing to Italy or Egypt; those remaining were mostly poor.

narrow winding streets, bars,
Crystal Travel
Traditional housing
Yet afterwards the lives of Corfu Jews were mostly peaceful. They loved life on the picturesque island, and Corfu author Albert Cohen (1895–1981) described it in longingly in his novels. The Jewish Quarter was Cohen’s birthplace so a street is named after him. In the 1930s, despite right-wing nationalism and anti-Semitism in Greece, Jewish life in Corfu went on normally. They had a rabbi, syn­ag­ogues, bu­r­ial society, charity societies, ritual baths and schools. In Ap 1933 Mizrachi was allowed to use a floor in the commun­ity building to set up a night school where the comm­unity leaders demand­ed Mizrachi ensure the students were study­ing both Jewish & Greek his­tory. The com­m­unity also had social org­an­­is­ations, and annual balls.

Remaining British citizens left Corfu in 1939, just before the outbreak of WW2 and the subsequent ruthless German occup­at­ion of the island. In Ap 1941, Fascist Italy conquered Corfu, but the Italians made no dis­tinction between Jew and Gentile. It worsened in Oct 1943, when Italians left and Nazi Wehr­macht took over. SS units under command of Jurgen Str­oop ordered the Jews to present themselves before a town official thrice weekly, and to pay a heavy tax to the Germans. Greek Christians invaded the Jewish neighbour­hood, and the 100 Jews hiding among Christian neighbours were handed over to the Nazis! In June 1944, Jews were locked in the city square, the Nazi sold­iers herding them into boats from Cor­fu to an Athens prison camp, and from there on trains to Birkenau death camp. Of the 1,700 Jews living in Corfu during the Nazi occupation, only 200 were not murdered. Of the survivors, 30 moved to Isr­ael and others intended to follow. Thus an old Jewish community, which had survived for 700+ years, mostly ended.

Jewish district
Pre-Holocaust there had been 4 synagogues. Post-war only 1 was left standing... barely. In 1946 the Greek gov­ern­ment ordered the governor of Corfu to return all property to the Je­wish com­munity, including pub­lic build­ings used by the community, private homes and shops. But most of these sites were in ruins, and only later was the synagogue restored by local auth­orit­ies. 

interior, only surviving synagogue
The Librarians

Greece, Albania 
& Corfu flagged (56ks x 18ks)

Corfu Old Town was designated a World Heritage Site in 2007. The island population now is 100,000.


roentare said...

The old town's traditional housing looks like a photographer's dream to stay. The town has been occupied for so long by others.

Greek tourist said...

Mitropolis Square and its 16th century church is fun for tourists. But even better is looking down over the Old Port with its small ships.

Margaret D said...

Certainly, a lot of fighting over the years, Hels.

jabblog said...

It's so sad that so many Jewish communities have been decimated and never rebuilt to previous numbers.

diane b said...

Another interesting history lesson. I had no idea of the number of occupiers. So sad about the Jewish population.

Andrew said...

The island certainly has an interesting history but what a tragic end to the Jewish population.

Hels said...

Corfu Island is only 600 sq ks, with attractive mountains and totally surrounded by a gorgeous coastline. Photographers love Corfu:

Hels said...

Dear Tourist
The New Port in Corfu is the large, modern seaport used for ferries, cruise ships and cargo ships. The more photogenic and historic Old Port, on the other hand, is located at the foot of Corfu's Old Town.

Hels said...

I wrote the following myself and still cannot believe it: Corfu was conquered often: by the Romans, Byzantines, Goths, Vene­tians, Sicilian kings, Ottoman Empire, Napoleonic armies, Britain and the Greek Kingdom. And it may continue in the future :(

Hels said...

Jewish communities have been decimated in many countries of the world, nod. But in 1864 local Jews in Corfu were eman­cip­ated, received civil rights, lived in com­fort, worked well with Chr­is­t­ians, and succeeded very well in trade. No wonder they were happy for generations, and horrified by later oppression.

Hels said...

I had no knowledge of oppression in Greece until arriving as a tourist during the Greek junta 1967-74. In optimistic moments, I had assumed that the first democracy in the world would protect its Jewish and other vulnerable citizens. Clearly I made mistakes :(

Hels said...

For such a small island, Corfu had a significant Jewish population... but after WW2 almost everyone had died or left. The island's authorities rebuilt the surviving synagogue, renovated communities facilities and rebuilt traditional delicatessens. And they commissioned a bronze memorial devoted to the thousands of Corfu Jews killed in Nazi camps.
Specialist Jewish tours are still very popular with tourists coming into Corfu.

Ingrid said...

It was more or less the same destiny with Rhode, I have a friend here in my "castle" who was born there into a Jewish family and her father managed in time to escape to the Congo, and the family followed and my friend lived for 45 years in the Congo before she followed her husband to Belgium. She has so many stories to tell !

Hels said...

I knew little about Rhodes during WW2, so I thank you.
In mid-July 1944, the German Command ordered the Jews to reside solely within the confines of the city of Rhodes or in nearby villages. On 18 July 1944, a German officer entered the house of the president of the Jewish Community and ordered all Jewish adult men to appear at the Italian Air Force. Read https://jewishrhodes.org/german-occupation-holocaust/

Joe said...

A Greek friend at work recommended the medieval Paleokastritsa Monastery. It is located on the top of a small land mass overlooking the sea, with amazing sea views. Inside is a quiet atmosphere, gardens with flowers and herbs, and a small museum with sacred Orthodox icons.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Wonderful photos of a place I have never heard of, thanks for this post it was a great read

Hels said...

Thank you! Paleokastritsa Monastery was destroyed by the Genoese in 1403 and rebuilt decades later. The monk’s cells were added in the C18th. Inside the monastery is a courtyard with a portico, and a small museum of Byzantine and post-Byzantine icons. The wall art is amazing.

Hels said...

The Mediterranean islands are my favourite holiday places on earth.... but I didn't allow enough time to visit their physical and cultural treasures. Do plenty of reading, before you leave home.

Ирина Полещенко said...

Thank you for the interesting story of the Corfu Island! I knew nothing about it before.

Hels said...

Getting there is easy. But I don't know if you like heat or coolness.The hottest month in Corfu is July, with an average daily maximum of 33c. The coolest month in Corfu is January, with an average daily maximum of 14c.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Hels - fascinating to read ... the history of the Ionian Islands ... I know very little about that period and that geographical area ... thank you for this - Hilary

Hels said...

the Ionian Islands are all lovely for holidays, with great beaches, hiking and great food and drinks. But Corfu has the most fascinating history and the best tourist facilities.

My name is Erika. said...

I visited Corfu when I went to Greece this past March. There are little bits of all these countries and cultures there, which make it a really interesting place to visit. There is also a statue with the story of Jews during the Second World War which was really sad. I would like to go back there sometime because of all various cultural parts to it, and it is very beautiful. Thanks for the backstory.

CherryPie said...

Corfu has been on my list of 'To Visit' places for a long time. It is about time I got round to visiting.

Hels said...

What a nightmare Corfu suffered :(
The large bronze National Resistance Monument (1993) is dedicated to all Corfu people who were killed in WW2. It's near the New Fortress and the harbour.
In the Old Town is a Holocaust Memorial (2001). The naked parents were trying to save their children's lives, before they were deported to an extermination camp.

Hels said...

before I travelled overseas the first time, I had already created a dream destination of Mediterranean glory in my mind. Israel, Cyprus, Greece, Croatia, Italy and Southern France by car were exactly as I had dreamt, but going to the islands and to North Africa didn't come till we had travel money for ships.
Don't wait too long!

Fun60 said...

Another interesting and informative post . I knew nothing of the history of Corfu.

Hels said...

that seems to be true for most bloggers, yes. Even people who know a great deal about Athens, Salonika and Piraeus may not know much about Corfu. True for me too.

Mandy said...

This post is quite devastating, Hels. What an awful time for the Jews of Corfu. I wonder if some of them were of Sephardi origin, like my family? I would like to visit Corfu one day

Hels said...

In Salonika on guided tours, we learned in detail about the Sephardi Jews from Spain and Portugal, their beautiful synagogues, schools and community facilities. By 1940, people had emigrated if they could, or joined the Greek army against Greece's enemies. Only later in the war were Salonika's Jews shipped to the Nazi extermination camps. It had been a very fine community :(

About Corfu, I knew nothing until much later.

Hels said...

Have you been to any of the Greek Islands? I would spend more time on Crete, Rhodes and Corfu, and leave the smaller islands this time.

Hels said...

Read Which Greek Island Is for You? by Qantas. A great review.

Jenny Woolf said...

I do love Greece and really feel it's about time I revisited Corfu. I do remember a lot of the architecture. and your post makes me consider revisiting -( not right now as the temperatures seem to be in the 30s). The place with the most splendid and memorable architecture for me will always be Valletta. Have you been there?

Hels said...

you are fortunate in being able to pop around the Mediterranean (Covid, wars and finances allowing) at will. Alas where I was working, I had to plan for two years ahead. I loved Valletta but only had a week to visit the two biggest islands.