SS General Walter Schellenberg
It seemed normal for all invading forces to warn their own soldiers of potentially dangerous people eg spies, scientists making bombs. But the secretive and very thorough Black List was bizarre, because it included politicians, actors, journalists, trade unions, poets and educationalists. These prominent Britons would be promptly rounded up, had the Germans successfully invaded the UK.
The political entries were described thus: Attlee; Clemens, leader Labour Party; Lord Beaverbrook; Conservative Minister Duncan Sandys; Lady Astor, enemy of Germany; George Lansbury, rules German emigrant political circles; Richard Acland, anti-Fascist Liberal MP; Robert Vansittart, leader of British Intelligence Service & Chief Diplomatic Adviser to the Foreign Office; Neville Chamberlain, ex-Prime Minister.
press to expand.
The list noted the crimes that each included Briton was suspected of having carried out, and which German Department(s) would investigate. Based on what was learned about the Holocaust and concentration camps in 1942, some Britons would obviously have had more to fear than others eg Jews, Communists and ex Nazi defectors. Also in 1940 there were 450,000 people born Jewish in the UK, all of whom would have been seen as enemies to the Nazis.
How did the Germans get the names? Although there were some glaring errors (eg people who had died) on the list, most information seemed to have been gathered from newspaper reports, telephone directories and published works of the 1930s period. [Note that on his capture in 1945, Gen Schellenberg alleged that a leading British intelligence agent had given the Nazis much of this information].
The Black List was contained in a booklet discovered in the Berlin headquarters of the Reich Security Police in Sept 1945, after the war ended. As well as the individuals named above, a special section listed 35 British publications whose offices were to be seized immediately, records confiscated and executives arrested. They included Daily Mirror, Daily Express, Daily Herald, Daily Telegraph, News Chronicle, Observer, Spectator, Yorkshire Post, Sunday Post, Sunday Chronicle, Sunday Pictorial and Picture Post. This work was originally compiled after the fall of France in May-June 1940 and from then on, appeared to have been annually revised.
Oldfield was inspired to write the book when accidentally finding Virginia and Leonard Woolf listed, during an art exhibition. Not surprisingly, more than half of the listed names were naturalised Jewish and other refugees, many of Britain's most gifted, humane inhabitants. Note the writers EM Forster and Virginial Woolf, humanitarians and religious leaders, scientists, social reformers Margery Fry and Eleanor Rathbone MP, and artists Jacob Epstein and Oscar Kokoschka. By examining these targets of Nazi hatred, Oldfield revealed why the Nazis feared their influence, shed light on the Gestapo worldview and revealed a network of truly exemplary Britons: visionaries and unsung heroes.
Zweig, Freud, Virginia Woolf and Kokoschka, understood. But what did Lady Astor do to offend the Nazis?
ReplyDeleteI was also surprised because Lady Astor was anti-black, anti-Semitic, met with Nazi officials to pursue Chamberlain's appeasement policies, and disliked British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden. She supported German rearmament, and spent time with Joachim von Ribbentrop, the ambassador who later became Germany’s Foreign Minister.
Note that Lady Astor was quite pleased about being in the Black Book. She said it proved to the British who distrusted her that she had actually been pro-British and anti-German, before and during the war.
Boa tarde Hels. Parabéns pela excelente matéria.
ReplyDeleteHello Hels, Walter Schellenberg's story is all the more scary knowing that there were British people who often had great money and power and who were waiting to aid and abet him in his plan. Giving your own country away, especially to an enemy like the Germans, is the worst perfidy of all.
I also noted Lady Astor. Who knows how stupid Nazi minds worked.
ReplyDeleteAgreed :) There are only 2 copies of the book still held in public collections. I will add Imperial War Museum in London and Hoover Institution Library in Calif to the post.
ReplyDeleteIf Schellenberg and his team used intelligence from their own officers based in the UK, I might have been more understanding. But imagine planning arrests, gaol sentences and executions based on newspaper reports, telephone directories and 1930s literature. Just as well the planned invasion never happened, both for those Brits who aided the Germans and those Brits who loved their own nation.
ReplyDeleteI understand the Nazis wanting to create an arrest list of enemies inside Britain, for when the German invasion would be successful. But once the list was first published in 1940, I wonder if the mistakes were corrected and the omissions were added in 1941 etc.
Mind you, that was just the Black Book in Britain. What happened to the Black Books of arrests and perhaps executions in the other countries that the Germans invaded or wanted to invade?
Fascinating historical document.
ReplyDeleteand amazing that it survived, both from intentional destruction by the authors and from unintentional war damage.
Good point about other countries. Too awful to contemplate what might have happened.
ReplyDeleteBecause of what happened in other nations, we can be sure that this book would have been put to use had there been a successful invasion. I probably would not have been born if that had happened! Of course, the Allies would have had a list of suspected war-criminals, many of whom were tried and some executed after the war but that list was of deserving cases.
ReplyDeleteIf you have Amazon Prime, they have shown a drama series based on Philip K. Dick's 1962 novel The Man in the High Castle that deals with what might have happed had the Axis powers won the war. Two-thirds of the United Stated was controlled by the Nazis and the rest by Japan.
Incidentally, I wonder if Lady Astor's name was in the Black Book as a double -bluff?
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ReplyDeleteI would not have liked to be named in the Black Book of Russians, partially because the Soviet Union was indeed invaded (in 1941) and partially because the Germans might not have troubled with arrests and trials. The Russians believed they would have gone straight to executions.
Poland was also actually invaded (in 1939), and they too knew a lot about German arrests and deportations.
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me that the invasion of Britain would have been relatively easy. The RAF probably couldn't have prevented as invasion, since the greatest threat was at sea. But alas for Britain, as the 1940 invasion "deadline" approached, just a minority of the British fleet’s most powerful ships were protecting the homeland.
Philip K Dick's book asks an excellent, but tragic question - what would have happened, had the Axis Powers won the war? I ask my husband the same thing - his mother and his father were the only survivors from their large sibling groups :(
Oi hels, obrigado pela excelente matéria e aula de história.
ReplyDeletethis is a vital history story that will continue to reveal itself. I love blogging :)
Hi Hels - I remember reading about this and finding the thought horrible ... thanks for reminding us all - Hilary
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ReplyDeleteIn late 1930s Britain, it was difficult to predict whether the uber conservatives would win the fight against a declaration of war with Germany Vs those who were very worried about Britain not having enough military capacity Vs those would never, ever collaborate with Germany.
This must have been such a difficult time.
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ReplyDeleteMany thanks :) At the bottom of this blog are the key terms that have been discussed in my posts since 2008. Look for architecture, paintings, decorative arts, gardens etc.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for reading about The Black Book. But no advertising please.
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ReplyDeleteSatta King
Satta King
Satta King
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ReplyDeleteI too find it difficult to locate primary historical sources, especially when they were hidden or destroyed during the war. I am always grateful when readers send references to my blog.
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