Davenport appointed eugenics researcher Harry Laughlin as the first director, and the two men then hired field workers to collect defective family traits from the public eg poverty, intellectual disability and criminal behaviour. ERO campaigned for rigid immigration controls; the pre-WW1 law denied entry to anyone judged ‘mentally or physically defective, if it may affect the ability to earn a living.’ The first sterilisation law, in Indiana, stopped some disabled people from having children. Then they helped to pass legislation in 28 other U.S states, allowing sterilisation of the unfit.
Fitter families competition
Eugenics Buildings
Topeka Kansas 1925
The 1920s was the era when eugenic science was thrust into popular American culture, although forced sterilisation of potentially "unsuitable parents" had not yet gained court approval. In 1924 the state of Virginia pushed a sterilisation test-case in court whose goal was to legally sanction forced sterilisation procedures that were already taking place privately at the Virginia Colony. It worked!
Young women’s apparent capacity for motherhood was the critical issue when it came to the right to ever have babies. The requirement to demonstrate a woman’s unfitness for motherhood was even lower than it had been when defective genes had been the focus. Previously eugenicists had to produce evidence of degeneracy based on the family tree or on intelligence tests. Now they only needed to establish that a young woman’s own mother was negligent. It was a shift in emphasis from heredity to maternal care, separating the American programme from Germany’s horror. Yet California’s Human Betterment Foundation (1928-42) focused on minorities.
Depression eugenics were driven by a philosophy of social engineering that had been warmly backed by Pres Woodrow Wilson, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes and Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood founder.
Physicians usually recorded the procedures as voluntary, that patients were motivated by a sense of responsibility. They no longer saw parenthood as a individual’s right, but instead as a “responsibility to be exercised by a certain few and avoided by others”. And the community agreed. A 1937 survey found that 66% of citizens favoured compulsory sterilisation; only 15% opposed the practice.
Better Babies Contest
Judged by doctors from the American Eugenics Society
State Fair in Washington DC, 1931
By 1936, eugenics science was uncertain - genetic researchers were realising that the inheritance of traits extended well beyond one generation. Even if all of the feebleminded persons in the country were sterilised, it could take many generations to decrease the proportion of those traits in the population. This was because normal people could be carriers of the trait. And environment was ignored.
Of the many cases in the literature, here is one. When inventor and entrepreneur Peter Cooper Hewitt, he left two-thirds of his estate to his young daughter Ann and one-third to his wife Maryon. But his will stated that Ann’s share would revert back to her mother if Ann died childless. Knowing this, and fearing that her daughter was imbecilic, mother paid two doctors $9,000 each to remove the teen’s fallopian tubes, without Ann’s knowledge. Shortly after Ann filed her civil suit in 1936, the San Francisco prosecutor charged Maryon Cooper Hewitt and the two doctors responsible for Ann’s sterilisation with a felony. The physicians were arrested and released on bail.
In the San Francisco court, Ann claimed her mother paid doctors to sterilise her during an appendectomy, to deprive her of her rich father’s estate. Maryon claimed that her daughter was actually morally degenerate, addicted to sex; that she was merely protecting her feeble minded daughter, and society, from Ann’s pregnancies. But Ann wrote fluently in French and Italian. She had read books on Shakespeare, French history, Napoleon Bonaparte and Marie Antoinette. A nurse who cared for Ann post-operation explained that she’d been hired to look after a mental case but found a totally bright girl! Ann was just suffering from maternal abuse.
The doctors’ lawyer had negotiated with the Human Betterment Foundation and the American Eugenics Society. Once he understood eugenic arguments in favour of sterilisation, his experts insisted that it didn’t matter whether Ann’s abnormalities were genetic; she WOULD make an unfit mother. They also discounted her nurse’s testimony as only physicians were qualified to detect feeble mindedness. The judge, convinced of Ann’s promiscuity and the wisdom of her doctors, dismissed the doctors’ charges.
Ann was being tried as Unqualified For Motherhood; she was sterilised because of environmental rather than genetic defects; she was the product of bad parenting, rather than bad genes. And the involuntary procedure occurred in a private practice, not in an institutional setting. So she decided to settle the civil suit for $150,000 in an out-of-court settlement in June 1936.
Despite widespread coverage of the Cooper Hewitt case, there was no public uproar. The Great Depression had convinced Americans to create a citizenry with discipline and industry, virtues to be cultivated in a good home. And the Cooper Hewitt trial set a legal precedent that it was a woman’s moral responsibility to surrender her biological capacities for the public good.
The Eugenics Board of North Carolina operated from 1933-77 as an experiment in genetic engineering; back then it was a legitimate way to keep welfare rolls small, stop poverty and improve the gene pool. 31 other states had eugenics programmes, but no programme was more aggressive than North Carolina who gave social workers the power to select the victims… via IQ tests!
The doctor signing this card guaranteed a perfect physical and mental balance, and strong eugenic love possibilities, in his patient.. but was the card serious?
By the time most of the programmes were closed down, 64,000+ people nationwide had been sterilised by state order. Even so, it took decades before California (1979) and North Carolina (2003) formally repealed laws authorising sterilisation.
PBS wrote that recent cases of forced sterilisation in the United States have targeted prisoners, echoing earlier eugenic policies intended to eliminate criminal behaviour. California prisons are said to have authorised sterilisations of 150 female inmates between 2006 and 2010. An article from the Centre for Investigative reporting reveals how the state paid doctors $147,460 to perform tubal ligations that former inmates say were done under coercion.
ReplyDeleteVery strange!! Since the prison sterilisations occurred long after forced sterilisations were banned by state legislations, that suggests one of two possibilities. Either:
1. prisoners are not considered to be citizens, and therefore state legislation does not protect them, or
2. consent may have been obtained by legal barter eg a life prisoner might be released after 10 years if he/she "agrees" to be sterilised.
Hello Hels, The creepy eugenics idea had been indoctrinated for a long time. In old novels and especially children's books, there are always statements like "anyone could see that the child was adopted by peasants but was obviously of finer stock," in fact often of royal blood! And even earlier the practice of phrenology foretold character, even such traits as honesty or criminality, by the shape of the head, which of course is an inheritable feature.
ReplyDeleteOld children's books may well have alluded to eugenics, but there was no suggestion of compulsion or of it being a community wide movement.
Parents and children must have faced real fear once they were presented to a Board who made the decisions for compulsory sterilisation ... based on the community's good.
I have to wonder how many people would be in favor of this sill. I known people who thinks a republic type of govt is best. When only white land owners can vote.
ReplyDeleteCoffee is on
ReplyDelete"How many American citizens would support compulsory sterilisation today" is an interesting question but I don't know if any top quality research has been done in the last 20 years.
In Australia I can well imagine that the citizens would never allow a eugenics programme. However they may well be strongly in favour of rigorous immigration laws and rigorous asylum programmes for refugees - to eliminate terrorists and criminals being brought in from abroad.
Margaret Sanger, the guiding light of Planned Parenthood, was a supporter of eugenics in the 1920s. Here is a link.
Dr F
ReplyDeleteMargaret Sanger was spot on in the need to prevent unwanted, unloved babies from being conceived and delivered. She undoubtedly thought sterilisation would work better for some people than ordinary contraception.
Her terrible mistake was not realising that sterilisation without parental consent was brutal. And she was far from the only American intellectual to take that same cruel position.
Great research. Mentally ill people trouble me. Rough people trouble me. Shouty people trouble me. But for all the tea in China I would not want to live in a world of only fit and super intelligent white people. While I may fantasise about who in the world should be sterilised, it is not a world I would want to live in.
ReplyDeleteMe either :( But because of the theory of eugenics, those who possessed hereditary personal traits like mental illness, epilepsy, intellectual disability, criminality, alcoholism and pauperism.. were to be banned from breeding.
If a society didn’t want certain citizens to breed back then, there were two civilised choices: a] segregation in supervised institutions largely stopped people from socialising and b] sterilisations prevented conception occurring and was much cheaper than residential care. c] Euthanasia was almost always unacceptable.
But the tribunal in each state had its own ideas. One state sterilised promiscuous teenage girls. Another state tended to sterilise Mexicans. And what happened to men in gaol because of their sexually violent history? Those tribunals must have been VERY powerful.
Read "When Science and Racism Mix: The disturbing history of the eugenics movement in Europe and North America"
ReplyDeleteA Little Bit Human
ReplyDeleteMany thanks.. I read it straight away. And now I have found another reference.
Eugenics was the incorrect theory that humans could be improved by selective breeding. So-called faults could be bred away; any detrimental elements eradicated. Its origins lie with well-respected British medical practitioners; the Nazis took the ideas and put them into practice. Science expert Angela Saini and disability rights activist Adam Pearson look at the history and legacy of eugenics in this BBC documentary.