The Youth Culture idea suggested that teens aged from 14 were being socialised into a special set of values, attitudes and behaviour patterns, different from adult society. This new phenomenon might have been the result of rising living standards in the 1950s. Or because teens, preparing for independence, were struggling to free themselves by firm parental controls. And if the new youth culture came mostly from working class backgrounds, we can assume that this was another sign of struggling to free themselves from the respectable middle class.
A new commercial industry revolving around clothes, music and milk bars emerged to meet the demands and aspirations of young people. And an issue that influenced British males (but not yet Australians) was compulsory National Service for every 17-21 year old. National Service didn’t end for Brits until 1963.
Beatles, 1963
well dressed Mods?
The battle began during a cold Easter weekend in late March 1964. c1,000 or so young Londoners moved towards Clacton, a resort on England’s eastern coast. Bored with the bad weather and limited facilities, lads divided into their own groups: there was stone-throwing and the aggressive appearance of teenage groups, unrestrained by police.
On Easter Monday, the newspapers yelled “Wild Ones Invade Seaside - 97 Arrests”. Citing fighting, drinking, roaring, rampaging lads on scooters and motorcycles, The Daily Mirror was referencing the infamous 1953 Marlon Brando film, The Wild One. By the mid-1960s this American film was still banned in Britain as it was likely to incite juvenile delinquency. [The ban was not lifted until 1968].
Mods and Rockers ride into a resort town
Mods and Rockers fight on the beach
Britain were going mad with Mods Vs Rockers riots in 1964. After the excited newspaper reports from Easter, holiday resorts grimly prepared for holiday weekends. The next incident also split on tribal lines: smart, scooter-riding contemporary Mods Vs leather-jacketed, scruffy Rockers. And although they had long hair, the Rockers were seen as throwbacks to Marlon Brando and 1950s Teddy Boys.
On the Whitsun weekend mid May 1964, newspapers in two resorts pre-published bold headlines like “Battle of Britain” and there were predictions of national collapse. Editorials referred to the youths as vermin, a vicious exercise in degeneration wreaking untold havoc on Britain.
I want to ask if there were thousands of youth involved in the Brighton conflicts, why were only 76 were arrested. And consider the clashes between Mods and Rockers continued in Margate Kent where the fights were referred to as Gang Warfare. Why were even fewer youth involved in Margate and even fewer arrested? While definitely disagreeable for the locals, these were not teen revolutions.
The relationship between the teenagers and the press was examined in Jane Deverson and Charles Hamblett's book Generation X (1965) to capitalise on the chaos influencing contemporary youth. This valuable book counterbalanced the press and gave the teens space to speak freely. A new generation was claiming its space and its time. The early Baby-Boomers (born 1946-50) were more confident, better educated and more restless than slightly older Teddy Boys. They were a separate youth world that took its cues from beat music, films and fashions.
Australians and New Zealanders will remember our bodgies and widgies of the late 1950s and early 1960s! And even in early 1960s, before I was old enough to drive, I well remember how anxious my middle class parents were.
What about The Beatles? If they were anything, they were Teddy Boys, albeit scrubbed up and well dressed. The usual answer was that their clothes and hair were like rockers in the early years and from 1963 on, The Beatles dressed more like mods. It didn’t matter. The battles soon faded as other styles came into youth culture prominence.
My father and his brother were either a Bodgie or a Widgie, but I can't remember which. Rebellious youth! Not so many around now.
ReplyDeleteMy high school used to cut boys hair, if it touched their collars (1960-4).
ReplyDeleteIn the late 1950s, concerns arose that Australia’s teenagers, and especially working class teenagers, were becoming delinquent. Law-abiding citizens observed bodgies (males) and widgies (females) congregating in milk bars. Violence and sexual licence were their hallmarks and alarmist media reports fuelled these understandings. The country’s teenagers were uncontrollable!
Read Keith Moore
ReplyDeleteFunny how principals and teachers concentrated on boys' hair length in the early 1960s. This seems such a trivial issue to have controlled potential teenage delinquents with.
Although I suppose tattoos, piercings, jewellery, unpolished shoes and hot bikes didn't become issues until later. Not to mention cigarettes, dope and *cough* alcohol.
Hello Hels, Song lyrics back then were analyzed and even played backwards to check for outlaw and subliminal influences--that was the period when people were terrified of mass brainwashing (although now, enemy control of the internet doesn't seem to bother too many people).
ReplyDeleteAbout the long hair, sometimes dealing with a trivial but obvious symptom is the most effective. The "broken window" theory states that unsightly broken windows in a neighborhood will lead to more broken windows, and then to more serious crimes. Malcolm Gladwell reminds us of this and relates how in the crime-ridden New York subways, the authorities effected a huge improvement by immediately removing all graffiti, and by arresting the fare-evaders, seemingly the least serious of their problems.
ReplyDeleteI have not heard of the broken window theory, but it makes perfect sense. If you publicly patch up the easiest problem in a community, the rest of the problems will just melt away.
But I think the Mods and Rockers were so vilified in the newspaper editorials, church sermons and police commands, nothing was going to melt away. It would have been much more intelligent for the government to pay for working class lads to finish high school, or to be go into quality apprenticeships for 3 years.
I recently read that university lecturers and professors are disappointed at the lack of rebelliousness among the current generation of students. In 1960s Britain, Mods and Rockers were simply a manifestation of an everlasting polarised divide among the youth!
ReplyDeleteCLICK HERE for Bazza’s literally lachrymose Blog ‘To Discover Ice’
ReplyDeleteAgreed. Young people now are very different from the 1960s when the big issues were the horrific Vietnam War; women's rights - particularly contraception and abortion; the control of many countries by military juntas; the Prague Spring etc etc.
But modern academics, I am assuming, do not want to see youth slug it out over faster bikes, sharper clothes or occupation of beach resorts.